two students at table studying with laptop

Live Tutoring Announcements




Part of Mines commitment to the success of our students is providing no-cost tutoring to all undergraduate students. We provide support in several core classes and multiple upper-division courses. Our tutors are highly trained sophomore, junior, and senior level students that are dedicated to helping you through those academic challenges.


Those with accessibility needs, concerns or requests are encouraged to contact us via email Please note, at this time the Aspen tutoring space does require stair maneuverability.



Spring 2025Dates
Presidents' Day BreakFebruary 16-18
Spring BreakMarch 16-20
E-DaysApril 13
Pre-Finals EventMay 1

CASA Tutoring Services

Tutoring runs Sunday–Thursday from 5pm–9pm in Aspen Hall (CASA) downstairs during weeks class is in session. These are free, drop-in based services.

Search for a specific course

Type the course in the Tutor Expertise search box and see who can provide tutoring 

Please use course prefix and number to search as this is how courses are listed (ex: PHGN 100 instead of Physics 1).


Tutor Expertise
TutorMajorCourse Expertise
EmmaChemical EngineeringCBEN 110, CHGN 428, CHGN 429, CBEN 360, CHGN 121, CHGN 122
RainaApplied Math and StatisticsMATH 111, MATH 112, MATH 332
LindseyComputer ScienceCSCI 128, CSCI 200, CSCI 220, CSCI 306
LarsEngineering PhysicsMATH 111, MATH 112, MATH 213, MATH 225, PHGN 100, PHGN 200
MadiQuantitative Biosciences EngineeringBIOL 301, BIOL 302, BIOL 500, CBEN 110, CBEN 120, CBEN 310, CBEN 311, CBEN 322, CHGN 221, CHGN 428, CHGN 441, CHGN 462, CSCI 128, CSCI 478, HASS 100, MATH 111, MATH 201, MATH 225
EthanEngineering PhysicsMATH 111, MATH 112, PHGN 100, PHGN 200, PHGN 310
JaxsonApplied Math and StatisticsMATH 111, MATH 112, MATH 201, MATH 213, MATH 225, MATH 300, MATH 307, MATH 334, MATH 458
JoshMetallurgical and Materials Engineering CHGN 121, MTGN 202, PHGN 100, CEEN 241
ClaireChemistryCHGN 121, CHGN 122, CHGN 209, CHGN 336, CHGN 341, HASS 100, PHGN 100
JakobComputer ScienceCSCI 128, CSCI 200, CSCI 220, CSCI 250, CSCI 274, CSCI 306, CSCI 403, EENG 281, MATH 111, MATH 225, MATH 332, PHGN 100, PHGN 200
JosephElectrical EngineeringCSCI 128, CSCI 200, EENG 281, EENG 282, EENG 284, EENG 307, EENG 310, EENG311, EENG 383, EENG 385, EENG 386, MATH 111, MATH 112, MATH 213, MATH 225
NicholasComputer ScienceCSCI 128, CSCI 200, CSCI 220, CSCI 306, CSCI 445
KaitlynGeophysical EngineeringCSCI 128, CSCI 200, DSCI 403, GEGN 101, GPGN 228, GPGN 268, MATH 111, MATH 112, MATH 213, MATH 334, PHGN 100
BradenEngineering PhysicsCHGN 121, CSCI 128, MATH 213, MATH 225, MATH 332
JamesChemical EngineeringCBEN 200, CBEN 201, CBEN 210, CBEN 307, CBEN 314, CBEN 358, CBEN 372, CBEN 375, CBEN 402, CBEN 403, CBEN 414, CBEN 418, CBEN 480, CHGN 121, CHGN 122, CHGN 221, CHGN 222, CHGN 351, EBGN 321, EBGN 453, MATH 111, MATH 112, MATH 213

Tutor Schedule

TutorSundayMondayTuesday WednesdayThursday
Claire5-9 pm7-9 pm7-9 pm
Emma5-9 pm5-7 pm
Kaitlyn7-9 pm5-9 pm
Jakob5-7 pm5-9 pm
Lindsey5-9 pm5-7 pm5-9 pm
Josh5-7 pm5-9 pm
James5-9 pm7-9 pm7-9 pm
Lars5-9 pm5-9 pm
Raina5-8 pm5-8 pm5-8 pm
Madi7-9 pm5-9 pm5-9 pm
Braden5-9 pm5-7 pm
Jaxson7-9 pm5-9 pm5-9 pm
Joseph7-9 pm7-9 pm5-9 pm
Nicholas5-9 pm5-9 pm
Ethan5-9 pm5-7 pm 7-9 pm




How to Prepare for Tutoring:

  • Know the chapter being covered in class.
  • Attempt the homework before coming with questions.
  • Understand that when a session is busy, tutors will divide their time among students seeking help.
  • Understand that tutors are meant to help you understand the material, not teach it from scratch.
  • Tutors do not tutor for all subjects. See schedule.

Please reference live tutoring announcements (upper left of page) for updates before attending a tutoring session!



CASA Tutoring
Aspen Hall
Golden, CO 80401

Tutoring Hours

Spring 2025

Sunday-Thursday, 5pm-9pm

Phone & Email

Call 303-384-2600