Campus Security Authority

What is a CSA?

Campus Security Authority are university employees who by their duties on campus become designated as CSA’s. Some individuals automatically qualify (ie, RA’s, police, etc) whereas other individuals may become CSA’s during an event (ie, a professor takes a class on a field trip or study abroad professors). A CSA is required to automatically report crimes within campus bounds (and campus-owned property) to campus police.

Who is a CSA?

Below is a list of examples of CSA’s (adapted from the Department of Clery Handbook):

  • Professional staff in a dean of students’ office, including leaders in student affairs and housing
  • Staff in the student center or student union building
  • Staff in the student activities office (handling extracurricular activities)
  • Faculty or staff advisors to student organizations
  • Resident assistants/advisors; resident and/or community directors
  • Students who monitor access to dormitories or other facilities
  • Coordinator of Greek affairs (or related positions)
  • Athletic directors (ADs) and coaches (including assistant ADs and assistant coaches)
  • Contract security officers
  • Event security staff
  • Administrators at branch/satellite/separate campuses
  • A physician in a campus health center, a counselor in a campus counseling center, or a victim advocate in a campus rape crisis center if they are identified by your school as someone to whom crimes should be reported or if they have significant responsibility for student and campus activities

Who is NOT a CSA?

Below is a list of examples of people that are not CSA’s (adapted from the Department of Clery Handbook):

  • A faculty member who does not have any responsibility for student and campus activity beyond the classroom
  • Clerical or cafeteria staff
  • Facilities or maintenance staff