FERPA – Students
Student Rights under FERPA
Student’s control to whom and for what purposes their records may be used or disclosed. FERPA also provides student’s the right to inspect, review, and amend their education records.
Full Privacy - Right to Restrict Access
Request that none of your directory information be released to any third party (not considered a school official) or Mines’ publications. Requests for full privacy are to be turned into the Registrar’s Office before Census Day. It will remain in effect until the Registrar’s Office is notified by you. Notification to remove the request for full privacy is to be made in person or in writing to the Registrar’s Office.
Consider the impact, as the Registrar’s Office will not even acknowledge you are a student. Examples of areas this could impact:
- Commencement recognition and attendance
- Work verification
- Insurance information
- Loan information
See the “Opt out of Directory Information” in the Forms section below.
Consent to Release
Students may release their academic records to their parents, a prospective employer, insurance companies, etc., by providing written consent. The notice of written consent must include the following information:
- It must specify the records to be released (transcripts, etc.).
- State the purpose of the disclosure.
- Identify the party or class of parties to whom disclosure may be made.
- Be signed and dated by the student.
See the Student Release Form in the Forms section below.
Letter of Recommendation Request
To authorize Mines to release your academic information for a letter of recommendation from a faculty member or adviser, please fill out the “Student Release” form (see the Forms section below) and submit to the Registrar’s Office.
How to Inspect and Review Records
Mines’ students have the right to inspect and review their own education records within 45 days after Mines receives a request for access. A student who wishes to request access should submit a written request to the Registrar that identifies the records the student wishes to inspect. The Registrar or another school official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
Students cannot inspect and review:
- information about other students
- financial records of parents, and
- letters of recommendation, if right of access was waived.
How to Request Amendment of an Education Record
Students also have the right to request amendment of education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask Mines to amend an education record should submit a written request to the Registrar, clearly identifying the part of the record the student wants changed and explaining why it should be changed. If Mines determines not to amend the record as requested, Mines will notify the student in writing of the decision and of the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment.
Annual Notice
Institutions are required to notify students at least annually of their rights under FERPA. This notification can be accessed here.
Student Consent to Release
Student Release Form this form must be completed in person in the Registrar’s Office by students only, with a valid photo ID, and under no coercion of any third party person or entity. This form is used to authorize Mines to give your information to the third-party you specify. This may include official transcripts, faculty references for potential employers, student account information, etc.
Opt out of Directory Information Disclosure
Prevent Directory Information Disclosure Form is for students who do NOT want Mines to release any directory information. This election will remain in effective until revoked. By signing and submitting this form, the Registrar’s Office will not acknowledge you are a student. This means Mines will not provide your directory information internally to other Mines’ departments or externally to third-party vendors. It would impact things like acknowledgment of your achievements during commencement or your information provided to insurance companies, etc. Your information will remain private, releasable only with your consent by signature.
Forms must be turned in at the Registrar’s Office before Census Day.
Parent Access to Student Billing Information
Students may grant access to their billing information to parents or third parties by visiting the Bursar’s website here and going to the “Pay Student Balance” link. Scroll down on that page for the instruction video of how to grant parents or third parties access.
What's Included in my Education Record?
Education record is any record maintained by the institution (or by a party acting for the institution) directly related to a student. This may include, but is not limited to:
- personal information (e.g., name, CWID, etc.)
- enrollment records
- grades
- class schedules and rosters
- student exams and papers
- student financial records
- student employment information (e.g., work study, assistantships, etc.)
- advising notes.
Records may be in any storage medium or format (e.g., electronic, print, etc.)
What if I Previously Opted out of Directory Information but Changed my Mind?
You make revoke your previous election at any time by visiting the Registrar’s Office. You must bring a valid ID. The bottom of the “Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information” form (see the Forms section) includes an option to revoke.
Is the Posting of Grades a Violation of my FERPA Rights?
The public post of grades using your name, social security number, student ID number, or any portion thereof, without your written permission is a violation of FERPA. This includes the posting of grades electronically for students taking online courses that can be viewed by anyone other than the student and the professor of the class.
Do my Parents Have Access to my Student Records or Grades?
Mines will only provide your information to your parents in certain situations:
- You are considered a dependent according to the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, section 152, and your parent has provided documentation to support such.
- You have authorized your parents to have access to your information by submitting a Student Release form to the Registrar’s Office.
There may be other special circumstances where information can be disclosed without your consent (e.g., violations of laws, emergencies, etc.). Please see the Mines’ FERPA policy for those additional circumstances.
What if I Visit the Health Center? Are Those Records Part of my FERPA-protected Education Record?
Health center records are generally protected under FERPA. For specific questions on health center records, contact the Office of General Counsel.
NOTE: FERPA supercedes the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) regarding release of student records. Therefore, if an education record is requested under CORA, the regulations of FERPA govern disclosure of such information.
What do I do if I Think my FERPA Rights Have Been Violated?
Contact either the Registrar’s Office or the Privacy Office.
You also have the right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office (FCPO). See details here for complaint process.
When do FERPA Rights Begin and End?
FERPA rights begin on the first day of class and end at death.
Where can I Access the FERPA Regulations?
The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 99, Family Educational Rights and Privacy can be accessed here.
Didn't Find What you Were Looking For?
See the U.S. Department of Educations FAQ’s located here for more information.
Registrar’s Office
Student Center E280
1200 16th Street
Golden, CO 80401
Compliance & Policy Office
1600 Jackson St., Suite 240
Golden, CO 80401