To remain competitive in an increasingly global and dynamic higher education and STEM landscape, Mines’ community members of students, faculty and staff need to match the demographics of the populations from which it draws talent. We aim for Mines to match the demographics outlined on page nine in the Strategic Plan for DI&A. Mines began introducing new initiatives to improve recruiting using best practices in admissions, scholarship programming, financial aid and hiring of employees, to name a few.
Retention of students and employees is an important measure of success. High retention rates lead to stability, increased financial health of an institution, social benefits, increased quality of life for students and public social benefits. Retention activities at Mines help ensure all Orediggers have an opportunity to remain engaged with the institution in ways that are authentic to their lived experiences and to support ongoing growth and professional development.
Culture of Inclusion
Building, fostering and supporting a strong culture of inclusion is one of the most important pillars of DI&A-related work. Without it, increasing diversity through recruitment, retention and equity efforts becomes a moot point. We can’t retain and sustain diversity without inclusion.
Shared Responsibility
Increasing diversity, promoting inclusion and ensuring access are critical to our shared success and the advancement of Mines and its mission. Shared responsibility means the entire Mines community participates in and is accountable for advancing the DI&A Strategic Plan goals and recommendations.
Foster Dialogue
Raising awareness of DI&A is of vital importance at any institution but particularly at Mines as a STEM institution where these concepts do not often get applied in everyday studies. To do this, Mines aims to create and implement campus-wide communications and activities that foster dialogue about DI&A.
Rewards & Recognition
As shared responsibility is central to Mines DI&A activities, it is important to reward and recognize those who find ways to support DI&A across campus and contribute to its success. Formal recognition validates the work and encourages sustained efforts.
Annual Report handouts
We welcome your feedback on the annual report. Comments can be directed to report author, Heather Houlton, Research Analyst and Program Manager for Mines DI&A. Included in your constructive feedback, please reference the report page number, section or visualization.