Unconscious Bias & Microaggressions Bystander Learning Community
We are committed to extending opportunities for Orediggers to practice and develop their skills in mitigating unconscious bias and responding to microaggression incidents when they occur. Unconscious biases are thoughts or assumptions based on stereotypes of one’s social identity. A microaggression is a comment or action that subtly, and often unconsciously or unintentionally, expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group.
Participants are guided through a 30-minute interactive session based on scenarios commonly experienced by underrepresented individuals on campus.
benefits of community
- You have experienced an incident of bias or a microaggression and want to improve the way you respond to and support fellow Orediggers.
- You want to prepare for difficult conversations about race, equity or appropriate behavior in your team meetings.
- You want access to resources and colleagues or peers who are also interested in fostering an equitable campus.
join us
Virtual. Bi-weekly meetings. Community resumes January 10, 2022, noon-12:30 PM.
Email diversity@mines.edu to receive meeting invitation.
The learning community is open to the Mines community.