2024 Celebration of DEIA at Mines



About the Event

In the spring semester, we set aside time for all of campus to gather to learn about progress on the Mines DI&A Strategic Plan, share updates on department and campus units’ implementation plan goals and engage in learning and skill development opportunities at the Celebration of DEIA at Mines. 

The 2024 Celebration is sponsored by Shell and Chevron.


April 2, 2024
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Green Center, Student Center

Students, Faculty & Staff
COST: Free, registration required

Celebration Schedule


9:00-9:50 AM Morning Keynote with Presidential Fellow for DI&A

Student Center Ballroom A

Dr. Kate Youmans, Presidential Fellow for DI&A, will provide an overview of the spring 2023 climate survey results and DI&A next steps. Coffee, tea and breakfast treats provided.

10:00-10:50 AM Workshops

Moving From an Ally to an Antiracist: Navigating the Path with ‘Me and White Supremacy’
Facilitators: Tammy Curry, Jerilin Brewer, Joe Kraus
Student Center Ballroom A

In the Spring semester of 2023, a group of employees came together to read ‘Me and White Supremacy: A 28-Day Challenge to Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor’ by Layla F. Saad. Join a panel of book club members who will share some of Saad’s teachings and reflect on how it has influenced their perspectives as individuals benefiting from a society designed for white and white-passing people. The session aims to convey why being an “ally” marks just the initial phase of the journey towards embracing antiracism.

Please note that all are welcome to attend this presentation. According to the author, marginalized individuals who identify as BIPOC may find themselves triggered by the subject matter, as it is designed to encourage white and white-passing people to reflect on their own thoughts and behaviors. Additionally, considering the nature of the subject, we kindly request all participants to engage with one another in a respectful manner. Our goal is to foster an environment conducive to thoughtful learning and open discussion.

Using Funds of Knowledge to Support Diverse Students’ Learning and Belongingness
Facilitators: Dr. Jessica Smith, Dr. Juan Lucena and Dr. Junko Munakata Marr
Student Center Ballroom B

This session will introduce the funds of knowledge framework for diverse students’ success and provide concrete recommendations for using it in courses and projects. Funds of knowledge refer to all of the things people know by virtue of growing up, working, and living in communities. The funds of knowledge of students who come from low-income, first gen, and minoritized backgrounds are rarely made visible or celebrated in formal classrooms, even though they are highly relevant to STEM education. This is a missed opportunity, as research shows that making students’ funds of knowledge visible and relevant to course concepts can enhance students’ learning and feelings of belonging. This session will synthesize Mines faculty NSF-funded research on using the funds of knowledge framework to support low-income, first generation, and minoritized students, and participants will generate ideas for integrating funds of knowledge into courses and projects. 

11:00-11:50 AM Workshops

In the Moment: Oredigger Bystander Intervention Skills Lab
Facilitators: Sareen Lambright Dale and Isa Libonate
Student Center Ballroom C

Building community and a sense of belonging are very important on a college campus. One way to build community is through being an active bystander. Most of us want to be able to act in the moment when a situation arises. How we do this well, well, takes practice. This session offers an essential and dynamic training experience, suitable for beginners and those seeking a refresher to build bystander intervention skills. Participants will: enhance their situational awareness, boost their confidence in decision-making processes, learn effective strategies, and discover their innate bystander intervention strategies for in the moment responses when microaggressions occur.

Shaping Accessibility: The Lived Experiences of Disabled Students at Mines
Facilitator: Jamie Regan, Sarah Gifford, Allie Ezell, Aryn Loew and Maddie Fox
Student Center Ballroom A

Join a candid discussion about the disabled student’s experience at Mines. As we strive to make the Colorado School of Mines a more inclusive and accessible campus for everyone, hearing directly from those most impacted by accessibility challenges is vital. This panel will feature disabled students sharing their personal journeys, shedding light on the areas where Mines excels and where we need to make further strides. Their firsthand accounts will offer unique insights into the day-to-day challenges they face, potential solutions, and their hopes for a future Mines where every student can navigate their education without barriers. Let’s come together to learn, understand, and pave the way for enhanced accessibility at Mines.  

Celebrating Women of Color at Colorado School of Mines
Facilitators: Sheena Martinez, Dr. Lakshmi Krishna and Dr. Katy Armstrong
Student Center Ballrooms DE

Women of Color are invited to this gathering to celebrate identity, experience, and community at Colorado School of Mines. This is an informal session intended to create opportunity for students, faculty, and staff who identify as women of color to come together, connect with one another, find on-campus connection, and celebrate the contributions we make to the campus community. 

11:50AM-12:45 PM Keynote lunch

Green Center, Friedhoff Hall 1

Mines is honored to have Jamila N. Bryant, the founder of Push FORWARD Development Ltd., current first sergeant in the Air Force Reserve, author, and certified speaker and trainer with the John Maxwell Team. The title of the talk is Deconstructing Intersectionality for a Better Tomorrow. Catering will be provided by Tocabe and is free, but registration is required. Lunch begins at 11:50am, Keynote at 12:10pm.

About Jamila N. Bryant

Portrait of Jamila BryantJamila has a deep passion for personal development and leadership. With 20+ years in the United States Air Force, she believes in being of service to others and becoming the best version of Self. Jamila is the founder of Push FORWARD Development Ltd. FORWARD stands for: Facing Our Reality With Action, Resiliency & Determination. Push FORWARD Development serves the LGBTQ+ Community and specializes in leadership, personal development and financial services that help people develop to become their BEST version of Self and move FORWARD in life.

She is an author, a certified speaker and trainer with the John Maxwell Team and current first sergeant in the Air Force Reserve. Whether fulfilling her duties working for the City & County of Denver leading DEI efforts, serving in the military, or speaking, Jamila is in alignment with her personal life values of living life on purpose, pursuing her passion, and making a positive impact on others.

While her career keeps her busy, Jamila makes time for the things she loves which includes traveling, listening to podcasts/music, being physically active, attending sporting events, spending time with her family on the East Coast and, of course, continuing down her journey of personal growth. Jamila has found her purpose and has made it her life’s mission to help others to push FORWARD in life authentically and with PRIDE.

1:00-1:50 PM Workshops

Exploring Intersectionality in the Asian Community
Panel: Kayla Benson, Ashley Potter, Brandon Poy and Zaid Safian
Student Center Ballroom A

Join us for a panel of current Mines students from the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) who will be sharing their experiences as an Asian in America. Our panelists come from different backgrounds and have unique identities. During this breakout session, the panelists will examine how one’s intersecting and compounding identities impact how they navigate the world within and outside Mines.

What do you wish your students or professors knew about you? – Growing student, staff, and faculty relationships
Facilitators: Mr. Fabian Jimenez, Mr. Fischer Argosino, Ms. Hannah Harling, Ms. Julietta Rozin, Mr. Nevan Orozco-detienne, Ms. Ryan Kennett, Mr. Hayden Cooreman, Ms. Ashwini Shrestha, Mimi Rai, Ms. Misheel Shijir, Mr. Shawn Muhr, Mr. Anthony Perry, Briar Martin (They/Them), Mr. Davian Sandoval, Ms. Gabrielle Hadi, Ms. Jade Olivas-Zamarron, and Ms. Sazel Pokharel
Student Center Ballrooms DE

This discussion-based session is structured with broad, open-ended questions (like the one above!) to spark interest and stimulate thought. The discussion will feature three small group-breakout sessions for more interpersonal connections and new perspectives. Explore a dynamic community where sharing opinions and curiosity are celebrated. If you’re a college first-year or sophomore who enjoys connecting with others, you’ll fit right in (although anybody is invited!). If you’re a staff of faculty member passionate about creating connections outside the classroom and office, this event will offer a great opportunity to meet new students. Early connections with faculty and staff can enhance a college student’s experience. Start conversations early to tap into valuable opportunities and build relationships.

A New Strategy for Units’ DI&A Implementation Plans—Give Us Your Feedback!
Facilitator: Dr. Megan Sanders, Scott Harper, Heather Houlton
Student Center Ballroom B

Each spring, all major administrative units and academic departments are asked to submit reports to Mines DI&A on the progress they’ve made over the past academic year on their DI&A Implementation Plans.
This process has been reviewed and modified over the years. However, it has continued to be difficult for units to participate in the process and the amount of information presented across all units was overwhelming and not easily digestible.
For this reason, Mines DI&A’s Evaluation and Impact working group is creating a brand-new “maturity model” strategy for units to reflect on their DI&A work and communicate their progress clearly and succinctly. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Maturity Models (see examples linked below) have a rating scale that describes an organization’s stage in their DEI maturity, and different components of which are rated on the scale.
The DI&A Evaluation and Impact Working Group’s new model will help units more effectively understand what is happening across campus and the information submitted using the new process will be more useful for decision-makers at higher levels of the organization. The new model will also serve as a roadmap and include a separate resource clearinghouse with best practices for units to use to advance their DI&A goals.
This interactive session is open to all faculty, staff, and leadership to provide structured feedback on the draft model and help refine the process prior to its deployment in Academic Year 2024-2025.
Example maturity models:
California Community Colleges Accessibility Capability Maturity Model: https://cccaccessibility.org/acmm/status-levels
2:00-2:50 PM Workshops

The Art of Accepting the Unknown Gracefully
Facilitator: Brogan Boles
Student Center Ballroom C

Within the realm of DEI work, we often find ourselves in unexpected situations where we must listen, collaborate, story tell, be vulnerable, support new ideas, navigate conflict, and say “yes”. While most of us relate improv to comedy, the way improvisers find the funny is by listening, collaborating, storytelling, being vulnerable, supporting new ideas, navigating conflict, and saying “yes…and!”. In this interactive workshop, you will learn why improv is known as “the art of accepting the unknown gracefully” and how to use applied improv to support your DEI goals, initiatives, teamwork, messaging, learning, and more.

Classrooms As Communities: Fostering Connection, Agency, and Trust
Facilitators:  Carter Moulton and Laura Carroll
Student Center Ballroom A

We often talk about building “community” in the classroom, but what do we actually mean by this? How does “community” function in our courses, and who is it serving? In this session, we will consider specific strategies for building strengths-based learning communities that center trust, choice, connection, and belonging. This interactive session will provide you with an opportunity to apply community asset mapping techniques in your classroom and discuss ways to incorporate student agency, foster connection, and connect course content to students’ own interests and experiences. The session will feature perspectives from former Mines students who decided to leave Mines for various reasons, and will equip you with practical methods for building and sustaining meaningful connection in your classroom.

DI&A Student Climate Survey Top-Level Results
Facilitators: Heather Houlton
Student Center Ballroom B

Mines DI&A Research Analyst will be presenting the top-level results from the student climate survey, which was administered in Spring 2023. The survey asked students questions about their experiences at Mines and how they feel their social identities influence their experiences on campus. We invite attendees to watch a demonstration where we will explore different trends in the data in real-time using Tableau Dashboards. The first 35 minutes of the session will explore top-level trends identified in the data, and the remaining time will be open for questions and requests from the audience.  

3:00-3:50 PM Workshops

Supporting Neurodivergences in the Workplace
Facilitators: Rebecca Martinez, Chelsea Adkins and Stacey Roland
Student Center Ballroom A

Hiring for the “right cultural fit” can often exclude candidates who are highly qualified but who may have social differences. Join this session to gain insight on how leading employers are building and supporting neurodiversity in the workplace. Panelist will share best practices to foster inclusivity within hiring and work culture as well as what their organizations are doing to support neurodiverse employees. Employer partners will also share how job seekers can identify work environments that will support neurodiversity and ways to determine cultural fit.

Antisemitism Yesterday and Today: How thousands of years of antisemitism manifests today
Facilitator: Scott Levin, ADL Mountain States Regional Director
Student Center Ballrooms DE

Antisemitic incidents have reached historically high levels. Jews on campus and in the community are feeling targeted and extremely vulnerable. Scott Levin, ADL Mountain States Regional Director, will explore the history of antisemitism and show how classic expressions of antisemitism show up today. Through a brief review of history and current events, he will discuss how new forms of antisemitism are based on old ideas. Additionally, participants will be given steps they can take to combat antisemitism and all forms of hate.

Leading with Inclusion: Hosting events that everyone can enjoy!
Facilitator: Nellie Link
Student Center Ballroom B

Many events on campus (or planned/facilitated by Mines community members) have engaging and important content to share and most can benefit by more engagement in that content. However, there are many barriers to participation that could be mitigated by thinking critically about inclusion during the planning process. In this session, we’ll discuss the many forms of inclusion involved in event planning and participation, how to increase engagement by all involved by removing barriers to participation and apply these concepts in current or future events. Participants will leave with resources that will help them consider inclusion in their future event planning practice.

4:00-5:00 PM Poster Session & Student Organizations resource tabling

Green Center, Friedhoff Hall 2

POSTER SESSION – Each department/unit will provide a poster which will be on display during the Celebration. These posters are intended to highlight department and units’ top diversity implementation plan goals, their alignment with the Mines DI&A strategic plan and the outcome/impact of those efforts. Posters will be displayed and staffed by a dept/unit representative so community members can ask questions and explore future collaborations.

STUDENT ORGANIZATION TABLING – Student organizations that amplify the voices and provide support to underrepresented communities at Mines will host resource tables. Their goal is to raise awareness of their organizations and foster connections with Mines faculty and staff for networking and mentoring. 

Connect the Dots Schedule

5:30-8:00 PM April 4th

Learn more about getting involved on campus or find collaborators for your own events, research or other projects. Meet likeminded, passionate people! The event includes a Keynote address from Ms. Gloria Perez, a prominent Colorado community leader. Learn more about Ms. Perez and her dynamic background. There will be FREE food from Ali Baba, Lu’s House and San Telmo’s Empanadas. 

Location: Labriola

This event is open to the entire Mines community.

2024 Poster Session


These posters are intended to highlight department and units’ top diversity implementation plan goals, their alignment with the Mines DI&A strategic plan and the outcome/impact of those efforts. The new poster template outlines instructions and information needed for posters to capture units’ most important DI&A activities. In addition, posters will be reviewed by a committee and scored. This evaluation rubric can be used to familiarize your DI&A committee with how posters will be evaluated during the Celebration. The top scoring posters will receive Diversity Progress Report awards. Just in case your DI&A committee needs a boost to get started, check out this poster example. Content was graciously provided by the Department of Geology and Geological Engineering (GGE). Mines DI&A expanded on GGE’s content with hypothetical metrics, goals and outcomes to illustrate how to connect units’ work from their diversity progress report activities into the postersIf you have questions or need support, please contact Heather Houlton, Mines DI&A Research Analyst.  

Additional information:

  • Please ensure template is sized to 28″x22″
  • Posters are due to diversity@mines.edu by March 4, 2024 to meet the printing deadline 
  • Mines DI&A will cover the cost to print posters on foam core
  • Posters will be displayed during the event with a dedicated hour when they will be staffed by a dept/unit representative so community members can ask questions and explore future collaboration

2024 Sponsors

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors who make this event possible:

Shell's company logo


Chevron's company logo