Dear Orediggers,
We know many of you have questions about the Summer and Fall 2021 semesters, and we hope that this note answers the basic questions.
Given the projections for vaccine availability, we are planning to return in Fall 2021 to full in-person course delivery, vibrant on-campus living/learning communities, and providing the distinctive on-campus experience and education that Mines is known for. We will not be offering remote delivery options for most courses as we did this academic year. We anticipate using our classrooms, teaching labs, and research spaces at pre-COVID capacities.
Due to the uncertainty in timing of vaccine availability for our students, the vast majority of Summer 2021 lecture courses will be delivered in either a remote or online format. Labs and design classes will be held in-person in de-densified classrooms, similar to what we have been doing this academic year. Our hope is to offer field session courses in-person, but we recognize that may not be possible for all of them given public health considerations. Where that is the case, we will offer the field session course in a remote format.
Priority registration for both Fall and Summer 2021 terms will begin as scheduled on Monday, April 5.
As we move to full in-person course delivery this fall, Mines will continue to follow public health guidelines to maintain a safe campus environment. In the event of unforeseen challenges, our fallback plan will be similar to what we have been doing this academic year, with both in-person and remote options available and more than 70 percent of all classes having some in-person component in de-densified classrooms.
Between now and Fall 2021, there is much to be done to be ready for a full return to campus. State approval for vaccination of all student-facing higher education employees – including students who work on campus during a normal academic year – is projected to occur around March 21. We will continue to work on securing partnerships to provide vaccines on campus, but all students, staff and faculty are encouraged to seek vaccinations through the many providers in the state when they become eligible.
There is light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, and we are excited about being back together and having a much more normal fall semester. As we wait for the majority of us to be vaccinated, please keep wearing those masks and maintaining at least six feet of distance from anyone you don’t live with. Also, please stay home and isolate from others when sick.
Thanks for all you’ve done and continue to do to support Mines and each other. We’re excited about the plans for summer and fall and hope you are as well.
Take care, stay well and Go Orediggers!
Paul and Rick
Paul C. Johnson
President and Professor
Rick Holz
Provost and Professor