Clean Water Innovations

Role of technology innovation in reimagining global water in the future energy system

Clean Water Innovations

Role of technology innovation in reimagining global water in the future energy system

About Clean Water Innovations

Efficiently managing the energy-water nexus is paramount for sustainability. Policies and technologies that optimize the use of both resources can lead to better environmental and economic outcomes. Shifting to renewable energy sources like wind and solar can reduce the water intensity of energy production. Advances in water treatment and desalination technologies are aiming to reduce their energy consumption, making the processes more sustainable. Understanding and managing the interdependencies between energy and water is essential for ensuring the sustainability of both resources, especially in the face of increasing demand, environmental challenges, and the transition from carbon-based systems.

Mines Supply Chain Initiative

Clean Water Innovations Pillars


  • Industry
  • Business
  • Regulators
  • Academia


  • Graduate Curriculum
  • Student Recruitment
  • Professional Development

Learn More

For more information about Clean Water Innovations at Colorado School of Mines, please contact Mines Global Energy Future Initiative Director John Bradford.

Clean Water Innovations Focused
Research Consortia and Centers


ReNUWIt is an interdisciplinary, multi-institution engineering research center.  Our goal is to change the ways we manage urban water.

ConocoPhillips Center for a Sustainable WE2ST 

To promote the joint sustainability of unconventional energy production and water resources through education of energy-water literate graduate and undergraduate students, and by conducting world-class research on both community acceptance of unconventional resource development, and water resources related to unconventional energy production.

Clean Water Innovations Focused
Educational Programs

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineers are responsible for the protection of our natural environment and its inhabitants, including ensuring the distribution of clean and safe drinking water to communities and cities.

Hydrologic Science and Engineering Program

The Hydrologic Science and Engineering Program at the Colorado School of Mines is an interdisciplinary graduate program designed to provide students with a solid background in quantitative hydrology and allow them to explore specialties within related fields, with particular emphasis on areas of expertise of the participating faculty. We offer programs of study in fundamental hydrologic science and applied hydrology with engineering applications.

Upcoming Events

Clean Water Innovations News


Learn More

For more information about Clean Water Innovations at the Colorado School of Mines, please contact Global Initiatives Director John Bradford, at


As Colorado School of Mines approaches our sesquicentennial, we are ideally suited to lead this initiative. Our bold and ambitious MINES@150 strategic plan builds on the exceptional legacy of our PAST, the ways we impact the PRESENT and the POSSIBILITIES of our global energy future.