Degree Audit

Degree Audit Requirements and Guidelines

The Degree Audit Form* is a summary of all courses in a student’s graduate degree. The content, purpose, and timing of the form vary between Certificate, MS, and PHD degrees (see below). The form is required for all graduate students and should be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies at least one semester prior to graduating.  Students earning more than one graduate degree must submit the appropriate Degree Audit form for each degree.

When processing the Degree Audit forms for Certificate, MS students, students will then be able to apply to graduate. For instructions on how to apply, click here. If a student would like to change to a different graduation term, they may email with their CWID, degree program and the term they wish graduate in. PHD students will be able to apply to graduate after the Admission to Candidacy form has been processed.

*ALL thesis-based students must submit the Advisor/Committee form to the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) and have it approved prior to submitting the Degree Audit Form and/or the Admission to Candidacy Form (PHDs only). Thesis-based students who submit a Degree Audit form prior to submission of the Advisor/Committee form will have the Degree Audit form returned and if not re-submitted by the deadline, OGS will considered the form late, which could impact graduation. Non-thesis students will only need to submit an advisor form, if changing advisors or adding a minor.


Certificate students need to submit the Certificate Audit form

Master’s thesis students need to submit the Degree Audit – MS Thesis form 

PhD students need to submit the Degree Audit – PhD form

In addition, PhD candidates must submit the Admission to Candidacy form after completing the PhD qualifying process.


Master’s non-thesis students do not need to submit a Degree Audit form, but will need to apply to graduate in Trailhead by the application deadline, which is the first day of classes for the semester they are graduating in.The Master’s Non-Thesis Course Exception Form, will be used by master’s non-thesis students to request a course exception so that an alternative course (MINES course or Transfer Course from another institution) may be used to substitute for a Core or Elective requirement for their major after reviewing their Degree Audit/Evaluation in Degree Works with their advisor/academic department. Students need to check their degree plan each term to ensure they are meeting degree requirements as outlined in the Graduate Catalog of the admit term for that degree major and that they meet the approval of their advisor/academic department.


The ADDENDUM TO DEGREE AUDIT FORM initiates a request from a certificate, master’s thesis, or PHD student to change courses listed on a PREVIOUSLY APPROVED Degree Audit form.

To make this request:

1. Download the Addendum to Degree Audit form
2. Complete the top portion of the form
3. Enter courses you wish to delete, add or both
4. Obtain signatures OR approval emails from your advisor, committee members (if applicable), program director/department head/division director.
5. Submit the form and all approvals in one document using the “Click Here to Submit Form” button.

Submission Deadlines

Semester prior to intended graduation or earlier. Please see deadlines for each term at:

For Certificate and Master’s students, submission of the Degree Audit form will allow students to self-apply to graduate in Trailhead.
For PhD students, submission of the Admission to Candidacy form will allow students to self-apply to graduate in Trailhead.

If you miss the form submission deadline or the graduation application deadline, you will not be able to apply to graduate. *Please allow 2 weeks processing time.

Form Submission Requirements

  • Download, complete and sign the degree-specific Degree Audit Form
  • Obtain signatures from:
    1. Advisor
    2. Committee members (MS thesis and PHD students)
    3. Program director/department head.
  • Make a copy for your personal records
  • Submit form to the Office of Graduate Studies

Courses/Credits that Cannot be Used

  • Prerequisites or deficiencies
    • OGS does not monitor prerequisites or deficiencies
  • 100, 200 or 300 level courses
  • More than 9 credits of 400 level coursework
  • Coursework that was taken as an undergraduate and used towards the undergraduate degree
    • Exception made for combined students enrolled in degree programs that allow double counting. Combined students may list a maximum of 6 double count credits
  • Courses with 0 credit
  • Courses with NC grades
  • Transfer courses that exceed the maximum allowed

Form Purpose - Master's Degree

  • Declares the coursework that will constitute a student’s graduate degree plan.
    • Only list courses required for degree including future credits so that the total number of credits listed equals the number of credits required to earn the degree. Do not list all courses taken.
    • Only courses taken for credit may count towards a degree (ie. no Audit or NC courses).
    • Maximum of 9 credits of 400 level coursework.
    • Only courses with a grade of C- or better, or PRG grades may count towards a degree (ie. no D, F or PRU grades allowed).
  • Certifies that the advisor/committee* approves of the courses on the graduate degree plan.
  • This form can be submitted as early as the second semester of the degree program.
  • Course changes MUST be approved by the advisor/committee & department head on the Addendum to Degree Audit form and submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies.
  • Transfer credits and Double counting credits (limits apply – see transfer limits)
    • Transfer credits from other universities:
      • Registrar must have official transcripts
      • List in the transfer section on Degree Audit
    • Transfer credits from Mines (taken while an undergraduate
      • Do no list these credits in transfer section. Instead, list in Section A.
      • Credits cannot have been used towards the undergraduate degree.

Form Purpose - Doctoral Degree

  • Certifies that the student has completed all the coursework for the graduate degree plan.
    • Only list courses required for degree including future credits so that the total number of credits listed equals the number of credits required to earn the degree. Do not list all courses taken.
    • Only courses taken for credit may count towards a degree (ie. no Audit or NC courses).
    • Only courses with a grade of C- or better,  or PRG grades may count towards a degree (ie. no D, F or PRU grades allowed).
  • Certifies that the advisor/committee* approves of the courses on the graduate degree plan.
  • Course changes MUST be approved by the advisor/committee & department head on the Addendum to Degree Audit form and submitted to the Registrar’s Office
  • Transfer credits and Double counting credits (limits apply – see transfer limits)
    • Transfer credits from other universities:
      • OGS must have official transcripts
      • List in the transfer section on Degree Audit
    • Transfer credits from Mines (taken while an undergraduate)
      • Do no list these credits in transfer section. Instead, list in Section A.
      • Credits cannot have been used towards the undergraduate degree.
    • PHD students using Mines graduate level work taken while earning a Mines Master’s degree ARE NOT transfer credits. List all these credits in Section A.

Responsible Conduct of Research

  • All thesis-based students must check the appropriate box.
  • Any student receiving NSF funding must take one of the Responsible Conduct of Research courses. NSF funded students who do not complete the coursework will not be awarded a degree.

Students enrolled in two master’s degree programs

  • Count up to 1/2 of the required credits of the degree with the fewest required credits towards both degrees (written approval from both degree programs required).
    • For example, a student enrolled in a 36 credit MS degree and a 30 credit ME degree may count up to 15 credits towards both degrees.
  • Degree Audit forms for each degree must be submitted along with the written approval from both departments.
    • Approval must include a list all the courses that can be counted towards both degrees and a statement that the department agrees that the courses can be used towards two degrees.

Students enrolled in a master’s degree and a PhD degree

  • Use all of the credits used toward the master’s degree toward the PhD (advisor/committee and department head approval required).
  • Degree Audit forms must be submitted for both degrees.
  • The advisor’s/committees’ & department head’s signatures on the degree audit forms, indicates that degree should be awarded based on the coursework/credits listed and any other departmental requirements have been waived.


Office of Graduate Studies

Alderson 451