Graduation Deadlines

Graduate School – Graduation Application and Deadlines

2024 Deadlines

Please note some dates may be subject to change, but you will be notified in advance if this should occur.

May 2025 Graduation

Forms Needed to Apply to Graduate: 

Prior to November 15, 2024: Master’s thesis and PhDs must submit an Advisor/Committee form
By no later than November 15, 2024: Certificate, Master’s Thesis, and PHD students must submit Degree Audit form and PhDs must submit Admission to Candidacy form 


Fall 2024 Registration Required; Spring 2025 Registration NOT Required

Application to Graduate:
Deadline to Apply to Graduate in Trailhead for Spring 2025 graduation, is the first day of classes for the Spring 2025 term, January 6, 2025. Students will then be enrolled in a CANVAS Graduation Check-Out Course when it is ready.

Non-Thesis Master’s Students
January 13, 2025: Complete the CANVAS Check-Out Course

Master’s Thesis & PhD Students
January 13, 2025: Complete CANVAS Check-Out Course in CANVAS
January 13, 2025: Submit signed Thesis Defense Form to the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS)
-Thesis Defense Form is available only at the end of the 1st quiz in the Graduation Check-Out Course.
-Thesis Defense Form should only be signed after the student has defended, passed the defense and all revisions have been approved.
January 13, 2025: Upload content approved thesis in ProQuest (thesis students only)
Only after you have completed all the steps above, will the format review begin.
January 17, 2025: Thesis Formatting Approval (Students must complete the CANVAS course. Use the Latex template on our website {do not create your own template})


Spring 2025 Registration Required

Application to Graduate:
Deadline to Apply to Graduate in Trailhead for Spring 2025 graduation, is the first day of classes for the Spring 2025 term, January 6, 2025. Students will then be enrolled in a CANVAS Graduation Check-Out Course when it is ready.

Non-Thesis Master’s Students
April 18, 2025: Complete CANVAS Check-Out Course

Master’s Thesis & PhD Students
Deadlines to participate in Spring Commencement:

April 18, 2025: Complete Graduation Check-Out Course in CANVAS
April 18, 2025: Submit signed Thesis Defense Form to OGS in person or via the Submit Form Button
-Thesis Defense Form is available only at the end of the 1st quiz in the Graduation Check-Out Course
-Thesis Defense Form should only be signed by advisor/committee after the student has defended, passed the defense and completed all revisions.
April 18, 2025: Upload content approved thesis in ProQuest
– Format of thesis should follow OGS guidelines.
– Formatting Checklist and templates available here.
– Only after you have completed all the steps above, will the format review begin.
Respond to any format revisions requested by OGS.
May 2, 2025: Thesis Formatting Approval

Deadlines if not participating in Spring Commencement, but can request to walk in Fall:

Note, all requirements should be met by May 9, 2025, as this is the last day of Spring term. Under certain conditions, exceptions may be considered; please contact Assistant Dean Jenny Briggs ( with questions.

May 9, 2025: Complete Graduation Check-Out Course in CANVAS
May 9, 2025: Submit signed Thesis Defense Form to OGS in person or via the Submit Form Button
-Thesis Defense Form is available only at the end of the 1st quiz in the Graduation Check-Out Course
-Thesis Defense Form should only be signed by advisor/committee after the student has defended, passed the defense and completed all revisions.
May 9, 2025: Upload content approved thesis in ProQuest
– Format of thesis should follow OGS guidelines.
– Formatting Checklist and templates available here.
– Only after you have completed all the steps above, will the format review begin.
Respond to any format revisions requested by OGS.
May 30, 2025: Thesis Formatting Approval

August 2025 Graduation Deadlines

Deadline to Apply to Graduate in Trailhead for Summer 2025 graduation, is April 15, 2025


There is no commencement ceremony in the Summer – Students may walk in the Fall commencement ceremony (degree award date of August 15, 2025 will be on transcript).


Degree awarding process will occur approximately 10 business days after the August 15 award date.

All Summer Graduates must meet these deadlines:

Before March 1, 2025: Submit an Advisor/Committee form (Master’s Thesis and PhD students)
March 1, 2025: Submit a Degree Audit form (Certificate, Master’s Thesis and PhD students)
March 1, 2025: Submit an Admission to Candidacy form (PhD only)

Office of Graduate Studies will enroll the students in a CANVAS Graduation Check-Out Course for the term they plan to graduate.

Note: The spring completion deadlines now encompass the former summer early checkout.

Summer registration required

Non-Thesis Master’s Students
August 15, 2025: Complete CANVAS Graduation Check-Out Course

Thesis & PhD Students
August 15, 2025: Complete Graduation Check-Out Course in CANVAS
August 15, 2025: Submit signed Thesis Defense Form to OGS in person or via the Submit Form Button
-Thesis Defense Form is available only at the end of the 1st quiz in the Graduation Check-Out Course
-Thesis Defense Form should only be signed by advisor/committee after the student has defended, passed the defense and completed all revisions.
August 15, 2025: Upload content approved thesis in ProQuest
– Format of thesis should follow OGS guidelines.
– Formatting Checklist and templates available here.
– Only after you have completed all the steps above, will the format review begin.
Respond to any format revisions requested by OGS.
August 29, 2025: Thesis Formatting Approval


December 2024 Graduation Deadlines

Deadline to apply to graduate is the first day of the Fall 2024 term, August 19. 

Forms to Submit Prior to Applying to Graduate:

Prior to May 1, 2024: Master’s thesis and PhDs must submit Committee form  
May 1, 2024: All graduate students must submit Degree Audit form
PhD Only: August 19, 2024: All PhD students must submit Admission to Candidacy form 

  • OGS will send an invite for the student to enroll in the CANVAS Graduation Check-Out Course
  • Degrees will be awarded approximately 10 business days after final grades are due.
  • Students may walk in December commencement ceremony.


Fall registration required

Non-Thesis Master’s Students
Submit Master’s Non-Thesis Course Exception Form only if applicable. Students need to check degree evaluation in Degree Works to make sure they are meeting all degree requirements and have all the credits needed to graduate.
November 15, 2024: Complete CANVAS Graduation Check-Out Course

Thesis & PhD Students
November 22, 2024: Complete Graduation Check-Out Course in CANVAS
November 22, 2024: Submit signed Thesis Defense Form to OGS in person or via the Submit Form Button
-Thesis Defense Form is available only at the end of the 1st quiz in the Graduation Check-Out Course
-Thesis Defense Form should only be signed by advisor/committee after the student has defended, passed the defense and completed all revisions.
November 22, 2024: Upload content approved thesis in ProQuest
– Format of thesis should follow OGS guidelines.
– Formatting Checklist and templates available here.
– Only after you have completed all the steps above, will the format review begin.
Respond to any format revisions requested by OGS.
December 3, 2024: Thesis Formatting Approval



Office of Graduate Studies

Alderson 451