Grandey Objective Dreams Gallery

by | Nov 14, 2023 | Events, Payne News

When: Tuesday, December 5th, 11:00am – 12:15pm & 12:30pm – 1:45 pm

Where: McNeil Hall rooms 215/216

Students in our Grandey First Year Honors program have spent the second half of the semester considering an object, its design implications, and effects upon society. They will be stretching their creativity muscles and sharing their stories of their objects through vignettes – brief snapshots and perspectives.

Individual students will be sharing their vignettes in an un-judged gallery format. This work is a synthesis of student learning in systems-minded thinking, multi-modal communication, hand and CAD graphics, creativity as a pathway for innovation, inclusive design principles, and more. In the past students have created technical drawings, artwork, music, sculpture, writing, video, and more. This is always a fun, interesting time!