New Equipment Review and Approval Process
When should this process be initiated?
Initiate an Infrastructure and Operations (I&O) Division review prior to purchasing, obtaining, or accepting new or donated equipment.
Why is this necessary?
- To ensure the continued safety of the campus community
- To verify that equipment meets environmental compliance
- To verify that appropriate facility, utility, and fire protection systems are in place to effectively operate the equipment
How to determine if an Operations Review is Required:
Review the decision logic matrix below to determine if your equipment must undergo an I&O review.
Do I need approval from the Infrastructure & Operations Division prior to acquiring equipment?
Yes, if the equipment:
- Requires facility renovations
- Requires fire or building code review
- Requires special utilities (hardwire electrical, chilled water, high voltage)
- Vents to the air
- Discharges to drain
- Involves hazardous materials
- Contains high pressures (over 100 psi)
- Has moving machinery (e.g. shop equipment)
- Has hydraulic reservoirs > 5 gallons
- Uses radiological materials
- Generates X-rays
- Contains a laser
- Processes biological materials
- Requires overhead hoists or cranes
- Has other unique facility requirements or hazards
- Is large or awkward in shape, may require special moving equipment to install or may be difficult to fit through doors. (e.g. optical tables, glove boxes, machining tools, delicate equipment)
- Produces high levels of heat (e.g. Furnaces that heat >/= 500°C etc.)
- Equipment is donated
No, if the equipment:
- Is a standard 120V Cord and plug device and the device is certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (UL, CSA, FM, MET, TUV)
- Only non-hazardous materials are within or will be used in the equipment
- This is an exact replacement in kind of existing equipment
- The equipment presents no recognized hazard to the user or the environment
*The above criteria only exempt equipment from review if the equipment will be used as intended.
If you are not sure whether or not a review is required based on the above criteria, please submit your equipment for review.
- Make sure you have identified a location for your equipment
- Start the process early; even if you don’t know the exact piece of equipment, you can start the process early and I&O can advise
- Order and purchase equipment that has been certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (such as UL, FM, CSA). Click here for information on NRTL.
How to initiate a review:
- Log in to FAMIS (Click “Submit a Work Order” in the top menu bar)
- Click “Create Request”
- For “Type” select “Approvals”
- For “Sub Type” select “Equipment Acquisition”
- When you hit “Submit,” a form will pop up; fill in as much information as you can
- After you submit the request, you can go back in and add attachments and check on the status of the review
Who does this review?
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Facilities Management