New Equipment Review and Approval Process

When should this process be initiated?

Initiate an Infrastructure and Operations (I&O) Division review prior to purchasing, obtaining, or accepting new or donated equipment.

Why is this necessary?

  • To ensure the continued safety of the campus community
  • To verify that equipment meets environmental compliance
  • To verify that appropriate facility, utility, and fire protection systems are in place to effectively operate the equipment

How to determine if an Operations Review is Required:

Review the decision logic matrix below to determine if your equipment must undergo an I&O review.


Do I need approval from the Infrastructure & Operations Division prior to acquiring equipment?

Yes, if the equipment:

  • Requires facility renovations
  • Requires fire or building code review
  • Requires special utilities (hardwire electrical, chilled water, high voltage)
  • Vents to the air
  • Discharges to drain
  • Involves hazardous materials
  • Contains high pressures (over 100 psi)
  • Has moving machinery (e.g. shop equipment)
  • Has hydraulic reservoirs > 5 gallons
  • Uses radiological materials
  • Generates X-rays
  • Contains a laser
  • Processes biological materials
  • Requires overhead hoists or cranes
  • Has other unique facility requirements or hazards
  • Is large or awkward in shape, may require special moving equipment to install or may be difficult to fit through doors. (e.g. optical tables, glove boxes, machining tools, delicate equipment)
  • Produces high levels of heat (e.g. Furnaces that heat >/= 500°C etc.)
  • Equipment is donated

No, if the equipment:

  • Is a standard 120V Cord and plug device and the device is certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (UL, CSA, FM, MET, TUV)
  • Only non-hazardous materials are within or will be used in the equipment
  • This is an exact replacement in kind of existing equipment
  • The equipment presents no recognized hazard to the user or the environment

*The above criteria only exempt equipment from review if the equipment will be used as intended.

If you are not sure whether or not a review is required based on the above criteria, please submit your equipment for review.



  • Make sure you have identified a location for your equipment
  • Start the process early; even if you don’t know the exact piece of equipment, you can start the process early and I&O can advise
  • Order and purchase equipment that has been certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (such as UL, FM, CSA). Click here for information on NRTL. 

How to initiate a review:

  1. Log in to FAMIS (Click “Submit a Work Order” in the top menu bar)
  2. Click “Create Request”
  3. For “Type” select “Approvals”
  4. For “Sub Type” select “Equipment Acquisition”
  5. When you hit “Submit,” a form will pop up; fill in as much information as you can
  6. After you submit the request, you can go back in and add attachments and check on the status of the review

Who does this review?

  • Environmental Health & Safety
  • Facilities Management

Need a review? Submit a work request.

  • Access the Mines Work Order System from My Mines (select FAMIS from the Trailhead Go Bar)
  • Direct Link to FAMIS (log in with Trailhead credentials)