Submit A Work Order
1. First Time Users
- New users should be able to login to FAMIS via the My Apps Dashboard on their first day.
- The Request Details section needs to be filled out from left to right, top to bottom.
- Click the OK button at the bottom of the form to submit.
- Click the button above for all maintenance, environmental health and safety, and design and construction services.
- Ensure you choose the correct request type for proper routing; review lists below.
3. Which Request Type Do I Use in FAMIS?
Facilities Management: managing and maintaining campus buildings and grounds
- Access Services: keys, locks, doors.
- ADA Accommodations: disability-specific facility requests
- Appliance: commercial and residential equipment, laundry in Traditionals and other dorms
- Building Interior and Exterior: building maintenance of walls, floors, ceilings, roof, windows, exterior siding, etc.
- Climate Control: building temperature adjustments, equipment programming
- Custodial: all custodial services
- Electrical: electrical maintenance
- Elevators: elevator maintenance
- Events, Moves, Surplus, Shredding: : event support, office moves, surplus, shredding pick up, and recycling.
- Fire Protection / Detection: fire alarms, sprinklers, smoke detectors
- Grounds: grounds keeping services, snow removal
- HVAC: mechanical maintenance on heating, ventilation and AC equipment
- Mines Park Housing Maintenance: all Mines Park housing maintenance
- Plumbing: plumbing maintenance
- Utilities: boiler plant, campus electric lines, piping systems, steam, utility locates
- Warehouse: campus forms and envelopes, pickup and delivery services
Environmental Health and Safety
- Air quality assessment and odors
- Defibrillator
- Ergonomics
- Fire extinguishers
- Hazard assessment
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Safety training
Parking and Fleet
- Fleet: Campus vehicle and heavy equipment fuel and maintenance.
- Parking Services: parking issues, signage, and lot maintenance
- Ore Cart: matters related to the Ore Cart shuttle program.
Capital Planning, Office of Design & Construction
- Campus Maps & Plans: requests for drawings, space surveys, space updates
- Planning, Design & Construction: new builds in the physical environment like floors, walls, ceilings, finishes, mechanical, electrical, plumbing; planning, design services, and requests for space or funding
- Furniture: requests for new furniture purchases
- Space and Capital Requests: requests for new space or changes of space use
Other Request
- Commissioning: new building commissioning services
- New Equipment Approvals: new equipment purchase/acquisition approval review
- Project Request: proposals for temporary or permanent installations of student projects on Mines property
- System Admin (Business Services): FAMIS issues and configuration
- Vending Machines: vending issues
The Facilities Management Office can be reached directly at 303-273-3330.
For hazardous materials incidents, contact Environmental Health and Safety at 303-273-3316.
Information Technology Solutions (ITS):
We do not provide IT or MAPS services. Please visit the Mines Help Center for assistance.
Billable Work:
Work outside of regular maintenance requires a department Worktag for billing.