Process Guides
How to Request a Purchase Order
Please complete and send the PURCHASE REQUEST AND PRICE EVALUATION FORM to and we will enter the requisition on your behalf. You will be notified once the Requisition is created and when we send the PO to the vendor.
How to Request a Change Order
Please complete and send the CHANGE ORDER FORM to If you are not the fund manager on the worktag(s) please either CC the fund manager or attach the fund manager approval to the email. This will help expedite the request. Otherwise, Procurement will reach out to the fund manager for approval since Workday is not able to route change orders for approval within the system.
How to Approve a Requisition
After a requisition is entered, Workday will route the approval request to the fund manager(s) for the worktag(s) used. The approval will appear in the “Awaiting Your Action” menu on your Workday homepage.
Approval Steps:
1. Go to your Workday homepage, and locate the “Awaiting Your Action” section, or go to your Workday inbox.
2. Click on the item you want to approve
3. Please review and ensure the following is accurate:
- The funding, the spend category, the dollar amounts, and attachments.
4. Click on the Attachment carrot to see all attachments.
- The documents will include the initial request, the quote, purchase justification (if applicable), any other pertinent information. Note: Workday does not allow for document scrolling. To see more than the first page, click on the arrows at the top of the document.
5. If everything is correct, click “Approve”
6. If there is something incorrect, click “Send Back”
- If you send back the REQ, a comment is required. Please explain what is incorrect
- The requisition will be returned to Procurement to update information.
- Once corrected, it will be resent for review and approval. All approvals processes are restarted.
How to Find a Purchase Order
Method A) Direct Search
If you know your purchase order #, you can directly enter it into the search bar and click on the PO link. This will open the “View Purchase Order” report directly. You may need to search “More Categories” if you do not have the “Procurement” category added to your saved searches (to add to your saved search select “configure” at the bottom of the screen.
If you do not know the PO#, follow one of the methods below.
Method B) “Find Purchase Order” Report
- Search for “Find Purchase Order” in the search box.
- Select “Find Purchase Orders”
- You are able to search for your PO by any one or any combination of the following fields:
- Supplier
- Buyer (purchasing agent)
- PO Type
- PO #
- Date/Date range
- Status
- Requisition
- Requisition Type
- Requester (you or someone in your department)
- Invoice #
- Worktags
- The starting date range defaults to one month prior to the current date. If you need to find a PO that is older than one month, please adjust the date.
- The “Contract” field does not search for the CRS/Mines Contract that is associated with the PO. This field searches for the Workday Contract that is associated with the PO – Mines is not currently using this feature. This field should be ignored.
Retrieving Additional Data – To retrieve information, select the magnifying glass button next to the PO #. This will open the “View Purchase Order” Report.
Method C) Find POs for Supplier
1. Search for the supplier in the search bar and select.
2. Select the “Contracts and Purchase Orders” tab and the “Purchase Orders” sub tab.
3. Once you’ve located your purchase order, or to view more information for the PO, click on the magnifying glass on the left-most column which will open the “View Purchase Order” screen.
How to Find a Requisition
- Search for “Find Requisitions” in the search box
- Select “Find Requisitions”
- You are able to search for your requisition by the Requisition number, your name, the requestor’s name (if not you), date range created, supplier, or worktag, etc. or any combination thereof.
Notes: The starting date range defaults to one month prior to the current date. If you need to find a REQ that is older than one month old, please adjust the date.
Retrieving Additional Data – To retrieve information, select the magnifying glass button next to the REQ #. This will open the “View Requisition” Report.
- To get to the “View Requisition” report either use the “Find Requisition” report or, if you have your REQ#, enter the REQ# in the search bar, and select the REQ link.
How to Find a Supplier
- Type in a supplier name (partial or full) to the main search bar.
- Click on the supplier name in blue (the hyperlink) – this is the Supplier information
- You can see any Purchase Orders issued to the Supplier as well as invoice history, addresses, contact info, etc.
How to Find a Contract Purchase Order (CPO)/Reissue (RPT531)
All contract purchase orders will have the contract # in the PO memo field, and a unique PO#. In order to find the PO# when you only know the contract number, or vice versa, follow the steps below. This report can be used to find reissued POs as well.
- Search for the “RPT531 – Contract Purchase Order” (CPO) report in the search box.
- Click on “Contract Purchase Orders” report.
- You are able to search for your CPO by any one or any combination of the following fields:
- Requestor (you or someone in your department)
- Contract #
- PO Status
- Supplier
- Buyer (purchasing agent)
How to Find Worktag Budget (RPT001)
- Search for “RPT001 – Company Budget vs Actual YTD – Operating” in the search box.
- Click on “RPT001 – Company Budget vs Actual YTD – Operating”
- This report will default to current fiscal year to date.
Budget Name = Fiscal Year
Budget Structure = Type of Worktag (i.e. Operating , Award, Foundation, Capital Projects, Foundation Gift, Etc.)
Period = the ending period for the funding information (i.e. when you select May, it will show the funding information for July 01 up to May 31. It is not showing May 01 – 31).
Worktag = the funding information.
How to Find Invoices Associated with a PO (RPT578)
There are two methods for locating invoices associated (paid off of) a purchase order.
Method A) View Purchase Order Lines
1. Navigate to the “View Purchase Order” screen using one of the methods above.
2. Once you have opened the purchase order screen, look at the service line field called “Business Documents Line” All supplier invoices will be listed in the following format:
“Supplier Invoice: API-1000#### – Amount – Status”
(ex. Supplier Invoice: API-10000905 – 500.00 – Approved)
3. Click on the Supplier invoice hyperlink. This will open the “View Supplier Invoice Line” screen.
4. Click on the “Supplier Invoice Document” hyperlink at the top of the page. This will open the “View Supplier Invoice” screen.
Note: Select the “attachments” tab to view the invoice document.
Method B) Invoice Payments (POs) Report
This report combines PO, Invoice and payment data together. The information will be grouped by purchase order number.
1. Search for “RPT578 – Invoice Payments (POs)” in the search box.
2. Click on “RPT578 – Invoice Payments (POs)”
- This report will allow you to search on the following.
Purchase Order Number
Invoice Status
Settlement Run date range
Settlement Run Number
How to Find Additional Purchase Order Information (RPT564/565)
The “Purchase Order Line Details” reports allow you to search for PO information on a large number of fields such as worktag, spend category, supplier, status, requestor, description, etc. These robust reports are intended to provide detailed and overview information for POs that is not available on the “Find Purchase Orders” report.
The reports come in a grouped and ungrouped version. The grouped version allows for the user to see POs groups by the supplier and is easier to look through at a glance. The ungrouped version lists information by PO line sorted by PO number. Note that you must look at the PO number to determine if each item is a different PO or just a different line on that PO. This view is not a easy to look through at a glance, but is much easy to user when exporting data to excel.
1. Search:
– “RPT564 – Purchase Order Line Details” for the ungrouped version
– “RPT565 – Purchase Order Line Details (Grouped)” for grouping by supplier
How to Set-up a Requisition Approval Delegation
Workday requires that the fund manager of the associated worktag(s) approve the requisition prior to issuing the PO. If a fund manager is going to be out of the office and would like someone else to approve a requisition on their behalf, follow the steps below.
1. Search for the “My Delegations” report.
2. Select the report, and click on the “Manage Delegations” button.
3. Enter the following:
- Begin date = Start date of the delegation authority
- End date = Date the delegation authority will end on (at 12:00 AM) – Optional
- Delegate = Person who is able to approve on your behalf
- Start on My Behalf = Leave blank. Not needed for requisition approval.
- Do My Tasks on My Behalf =
- Select either “For all Business Processes” OR
- Select “For Business Process” and check “Requisition Event”
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I approve the REQ if I'm not the fund manager for the worktag?
Yes. If the fund manager delegates approval for requisitions to you (see section above) you can approve on their behalf.
How do I approve a change order in Workday?
While the initial REQ will automatically route for approvals in Workday (ORA, accounting, fund manager, logo, etc.), subsequent change orders will not route for approval. Any required approval will be collected outside of Workday via email.