College Opportunity Fund (COF) Waiver

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COF Waiver

Request for institutional exception to receive additional COF hours after the 145 limit has been reached.

"*" indicates required fields

Before you complete the COF Waiver, review the policy HERE. Complete all of the information asked on the waiver. The COF Waiver is not guaranteed to be approved. Decisions are based on policy criteria and State guidelines.

IMPORTANT: If you have reached your 145 COF limit and used post baccalaureate hours you are not eligible to receive the waiver. Students who have been awarded their bachelor's degree are also not eligible to receive the waiver.

If you have been notified by the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) that you have used at least 120 hours of COF credit-hours toward your baccalaureate degree, then you should apply for an institutional waiver once you anticipate you will reach the 145 credit-hour limit and need the additional hours. Waivers will only be approved if students meet policy criteria listed below.
Only one institutional waiver for COF lifetime hours is allowed per student and can only be approved for three consecutive semesters. Please plan accordingly.
Waiver Criteria:
Review the waiver criteria listed below and suggested documentation. Indicate which of the waiver criteria applies to you.

*The first criteria is the most common one for Mines students.
Evidence of enrollment in PSEO or Fast Track programs can be obtained from the Admissions Office or the Registrar’s Office.
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    Dated, signed letter from the employer, on company letterhead, demonstrating that in order to keep a professional position at that company, job retraining was required which necessitated a change in academic coursework.
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      Dated, signed letter from the attending physician on letterhead, containing the general nature of your illness/injury, dates, severity, and why you could not attend school.
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        Death certificate, or obituary notice; or dated, signed letter from the attending physician on letterhead, containing the general nature of your family member’s illness/injury, dates, and severity.
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          Dated, signed letter from the employer, on company letterhead, demonstrating that in order to keep a job, changes in work hours or location were required, which necessitated a change in academic coursework or course schedule.
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            The circumstances that require more than 145 credits to complete a degree must have an academic basis. Beyond the academic considerations, provide documentation why paying total tuition, rather than tuition less the COF voucher, would create substantial economic hardship for you or for the payer of your tuition bill.
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            Max. file size: 250 MB.
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              Academic Information

              Note: If a waiver is approved, you must complete the additional hours within three consecutive terms.
              Student Name:*
              Term and year you wish to start the COF Waiver (e.g., Fall 2022):*
              NOTE: The waiver can only be applied for three consecutive semesters, summer included.

              Certification Statement

              I certify that to the best of my knowledge the information included in this waiver request is accurate, true and unaltered. If false information or falsified supporting documentation is found to have been included in this waiver request, the request becomes void, and the resultant action becomes retroactively nullified.

              I understand that if this COF institutional waiver is approved, it is a once-in-a-lifetime waiver from the 145 COF lifetime hours limitation. It is only good for three consecutive semesters.

              I understand that if I have not completed the requirements for a baccalaureate degree by the end of the waiver period and choose to continue my coursework, OR if I do not meet the policy criteria to receive the additional hours from the waiver, I must A) pay full tuition without COF stipend credit for all hours in excess of the hours added to my COF lifetime limit, or B) seek a CDHE COF Waiver).
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