
Course Exceptions

Graduate Students

Please contact the Office of Graduate Studies for more information on substituting courses.


Undergraduate Students

Students may request to have an exception so that an alternative course can be applied to a Core or Major requirement within their Degree Audit to satisfy graduation requirements.  This may be requested through a Course Exception form in Trailhead.

Students should review detailed instructions.

Please review your Degree Audit in Degree Works before submitting a Course Exception form.  To access Degree Works:

  1. Log into Trailhead
  2. Click on the Degree Works widget
  3. Click on the blue Dashboard button, which will take you into Degree Works

Please Note: A course exception form affects only your graduation requirement for the selected program.  It will not affect prerequisites for other classes. If you are attempting to register for a class and have substituted one of the prerequisites, you will need to complete a Registration Action form.


Department Approvers

Department Approvers should review detailed approval instructions.

Contact Us

Registrar's Office
Student Center, Suite E280
1200 16th Street
Golden, CO 80401

Registration or student record questions
FAX: 303-384-2253

Tuition Classification & COF questions

Transfer credit questions

Military and VA Benefit related questions

Graduation questions