Faculty and Staff Astra Access
Faculty and Staff Astra Access
To request access to schedule department controlled rooms in Astra, the following form must be completed and emailed to scheduling@mines.edu. Requests can be for any department controlled area. Requests to be added to the system can take 1-2 business days. To request scheduling access for multiple departments, multiple forms will need to be filled out. Once access is granted, an email will be sent to the requester with the access information and rooms that access has been given.
Astra Schedule Access Application/Authorization
All room reservations for meetings and events are now managed by Campus Events via EMS: https://www.mines.edu/campus-events/event-planning-guide/
If you have any questions regarding room reservations for events, please contact reservations@mines.edu.
If you are an instructor interested in changing your classroom assignment for the course you are teaching, please contact your department scheduler.
Contact Us
Registrar's Office
Student Center, Suite E280
1200 16th Street
Golden, CO 80401
Registration or student record questions
FAX: 303-384-2253
Tuition Classification & COF questions
Transfer credit questions
Military and VA Benefit related questions
Graduation questions