Petition for Late Registration, Withdrawal, Course Switch

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Petition for Late Registration, Withdrawal, & Course Switch

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 2

ONLY complete this form if you are seeking to either: 1) ADD registration for a course and you are past the deadline to self-register; 2) DROP or WITHDRAW from a course and are past the deadline (you will receive a 'W' on your transcript for withdrawal); or 3) SWITCH to a different section of a course you are ALREADY registered for (but are past the ADD deadline).

Student Information:

MUST be a valid email address to progress to next page of form
Select from dropdownSpringSummerFall
Are you an International Student?*
Are you an NCAA student athlete?*
I am requesting to*

Late Registration - Need Added to Course


Only proceed if you are seeking to be added a course AND we are past the ADD deadline. If you are seeking to be added to a CLOSED course (no remaining seats left in course) you will also need to submit a Registration Action Form (RAF) to request a 'CLOSED' override.
Enter 5-digit CRN of course to be ADDED
331, 498B, etc.
How many research credits do you need to be registered for in total (including the # of research credits you are currently registered for)
Explain the extenuating circumstance(s) for adding the course after the published deadline

Drop or Withdrawal from Course


Please review the Tuition Refund Schedule to see when the drop/withdrawal deadlines are for your course's part-of-term.

DROP If you are a requesting a DROP (w/ refund) after the drop deadline has passed, you will need to provide significant justification for the exception (subject to instructor/department approval) to be dropped--if your drop request is denied, you can still withdraw yourself from the course if we are still within the withdrawal period.

WITHDRAWAL If you are requesting to withdraw from a course after the withdrawal deadline for your part of term, you will also need to provide justification for the late withdrawal.

Please note that either DROP or WITHDRAWAL petition requests submitted before deadlines will be summarily rejected by the registrar and you will be directed to make those adjustments on your own in either Trailhead or GEODE.
331, 498B, etc.
Explain the extenuating circumstance(s) for wanted to be removed from this course after the published deadline. NOTE: Unsatisfactory academic performance is NOT an extenuating circumstance

Course Switch


The section of the course you are hoping to SWITCH to must have open seats available--if it does not you will also need to submit a Registration Action Form (RAF) to request a 'CLOSED' override.
331, 498B, etc.
Current section of course wanting to switch FROM
Course wanting to switch TO
Explain the extenuating circumstance(s) for switching to a new section of the course AFTER the published deadline

Instructor Information

Enter the instructor information for the course section you will be switching TO (i.e., the NEW section):
Must be a valid email address
I understand that if my petition is approved there may be additional paperwork and/or fees that I must submit to the Registrar's Office before this process is completed
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