AttoDRY 2100

attodryhorizontal2-scaled AttoDRY 2100


Coorstek 018


Sam Saiter – preferred method of contact is Teams Chat.  Email

Emergency contact – 214-799-3806.

Instrument Details

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The AttoDRY 2100 system is designed to measure the electronic and magnetic properties of materials and devices under a range of temperatures (1.65 K to 300 K) and magnetic fields (up to 12 Tesla). It is cryogen-free and highly versatile, enabling a wide variety of measurement techniques with interchangeable modules

Key features of the system include

Cryogen-free variable temperature cryostat: A core component that houses a 12T magnet, offering a temperature range from 1.65 K to 300 K

Electrical transport probe: Allows for the measurement of electrical properties like resistance and mobility with a rotating sample mount to adjust the magnetic field orientation

Nanonis Tramea quantum transport measurement suite: A cutting-edge control and readout system for high-precision measurements

Magnetic Force Microscope (MFM): Capable of generating high-resolution maps of magnetic domains and surface topography with nanometer-scale precision at 1.8 K

This measurement system is a multi-purpose, modular instrument designed to support cutting-edge research in quantum materials and nanotechnology with capabilities for both electrical and magnetic measurements under a variety of temperature and magnetic field conditions.


microscope1 AttoDRY 2100

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