Water Quality Analysis

Core Facility

Thermo Scientific Dionex Aquion

Thermo Scientific Dionex Aquion

Thermo Scientific Dionex AquionLocation Coolbaugh Hall, Room 237Contact Amy Ashford - amyashford@mines.eduInstrument Details The Thermo Scientific Dionex Aquion Ion Chromatography System provides gradient anion analyses using auto-suppressed conductivity detection....

DR-6000 Hach

DR-6000 Hach

DR-6000 HachLocation Coolbaugh Hall, Room 237Contact Amy Ashford - amyashford@mines.eduInstrument Details The DR-6000 Hach and our associated suite of instruments provides analysis of: pH Alkalinity Conductivity UV Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Fluorescence Ammonia COD...

Shimadzu TOC-L Total Carbon Analyzer

Shimadzu TOC-L Total Carbon Analyzer

Shimadzu TOC-L Total Carbon AnalyzerLocation Coolbaugh Hall, Room 237Contact Amy Ashford - amyashford@mines.eduInstrument Details The Shimadzu TOC-L Total Carbon and Total Nitrogen Analyzer measures the amount of total carbon (TC), inorganic carbon (IC) total organic...

Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-900

Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-900

Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-900Location Coolbaugh Hall, Room 237Contact Amy Ashford - amyashford@mines.eduInstrument Details The Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-900 Ion Chromatography System provides isocratic anion analyses using suppressed conductivity detection. Our...