Speak Up @ Mines, Inspire integrity by speaking up against... sexual violence or harassment, discriminiation, non-compliance with regulations or policies, research misconduct, fraud, other questionable activity

Speak Up at Mines

There are multiple mechanisms to provide reports (see “For Employees” and “For Students” pages), Mines also provides a means to make any report anonymously, should you not feel comfortable with other channels. A report can be made through our third-party provider by clicking the following button to their website.

Make Any Report Anonymously

While Mines encourages anyone reporting a violation to identify himself or herself to facilitate the investigation of the violation, it is not required.

The standard questions provided allow for a name to be included; however, it can be omitted (or left blank).

Please provide as much specific, factual information as is available to be able to initiate an evaluation. Please refrain from obtaining information for which you do not have a right of access. Reports can be made 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All reports are processed as promptly and discreetly as possible.

Mines strongly encourages you to write down the key assigned to your report by Convercent as well as your private password and return to the website often after submitting a report. The University may have information for you or need additional information from you to look into your concern.