Health and Wellness Resources

AcademicLiveCare is a Free 24/7 Telehealth Service available to all students

$0 cost for ALL current students of Colorado School of Mines - regardless of your insurance plan.

With AcademicLiveCare, you can see providers any time on your smartphone, tablet or computer. It is ideal for: Cough & Cold, Rash, Headache, UTI, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Sinus Infection, Pink Eye, General Questions and more.

AcademicLiveCare website

AcademicLiveCare User Guide 23/24 (available from 8/1/23-7/31/24)

AcademicLiveCare flyer

AcademicLiveCare tutorial

Contact Customer Service with questions or problems 24/7 by submitting a request using or calling 866-882-0343.

Campus Health and Wellness Resources:

Off-Campus Resources:

Coulter Student Health Center
W. Lloyd Wright Wellness Center
1770 Elm St.
Golden, CO 80401
FAX 303-273-3623

Clinic hours
8 am-noon and
1-4:45 pm
Please call to schedule an appointment

We follow the snow closure guidelines for campus.  If you have an appointment during a snow closure, please call to reschedule.

Doctors’ hours
By appointment only

After-Hours Care

Dental Clinic
1770 Elm St., 2nd floor
Golden, CO 80401

Dental Clinic hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
8 am-noon and
1:15-4:45 pm