- Plastic bags and plastic film
- Plastic Food Wrappers
- Plastic without Numbers
- Greasy Food Containers
- Food or Liquid Waste
- Yard Waste
- Construction Debris
- Scrap Metal
- Hazardous Waste
- Electronics Cables or Batteries
- Diapers
- Tissue
- Bio-hazardous Waste
- Light Bulbs
- Ceramics Dishes or Mirrors
- Hoses
- Toys Clothes Shoes
- Tools
- Plastic Straws
- Styrofoam
- To-Go Lids
- Holiday Decorations
- Hardback Books
*Hard-to-Recycle items above can be recycled by SustainAbility.
Batteries – Mines no longer recycles Alkaline batteries (A, AA, C, D). These companies recycle alkaline batteries for a fee: TerraCycle and EZ Earth. Consider purchasing rechargeable household batteries.
Please recycle lead-acid, lithium, and nickel cadmium batteries with EHS.
Toner cartridges – A toner cartridge recycling box is located on the loading dock of Marquez hall.
Plastic film/block Styrofoam – Labs and offices can recycle plastic film and white block Styrofoam (#6 only) in the basement of Coolbaugh hall near the Chem Store.
For Mines owned surplus property, visit our Surplus Property page.