Faculty & Advisors
Teach@Mines Program
Leadership Team
Christine Liebe
Title - Teach@Mines Program Director, Professor of Practice, and Advisor
Email - cliebe@mines.edu
Sabina Schill
Title - Assistant Teach@Mines Director, Instructor, and Advisor
Email - sabina.schill@mines.edu
Advisors and Faculty
Debra Carney
Title - Teach@Mines Teaching Professor & Applied Mathematics and Statistics Advisor
Email - dcarney@mines.edu
Kate Youmans
Title - Teach@Mines Teaching Associate Professor & Engineering, Design & Society Advisor
Email - kyoumans@mines.edu
Leslie Light
Title - Teach@Mines Associate Teaching Professor, Cornerstone Design@Mines & Engineering, Design, & Society Advisor
Email - llight@mines.edu
Mirna Mattjik
Title - Teach@Mines Teaching Associate Professor & Engineering, Design, and Society Advisor
Email - mmattjik@mines.edu
Renee Falconer
Title - Teach@Mines Teaching Professor and Chemistry Advisor
Email - rfalcone@mines.edu
Steven Decaluwe
Title - Teach@Mines Associate Professor & Mechanical Engineering Advisor
Email - decaluwe@mines.edu
Tracy Gardner
Title - Teach@Mines Teaching Professor Chemical & Biological Engineering Advisor
Email - tgardner@mines.edu