Bachelor of Science in Design Engineering

BS in Design Engineering with a STEM Teaching Focus Area

Teach@Mines offers a BS in Design Engineering with a STEM Teaching focus area to prepare students for teaching careers at any level, from elementary to university-level instruction.

The BS in Design Engineering with a stem teaching focus area IS MORE THAN AN ENGINEERING DEGREE

The BS in Design Engineering’s design focus provides hands-on experiences from the start of your education, including working on real-world challenges in interdisciplinary teams and mastering all phases of problem definition, concept generation and solution implementation that relates to teaching.

Earning a BS in DE at Mines means you will develop deep expertise in integrative design, which enables you to bridge traditional problem- solving approaches to engineering, creative design and social sciences in the classroom with teaching Licensure.


  • The strength of a Mines technical degree with coursework in the fundamentals of mathematics, science and engineering
  • Education in integrative design, bridging technical, creative and contextual problem solving;
  • A diverse set of hands-on project experiences, culminating in a two- semester, client-sponsored Capstone design project;
  • A range of focus areas that allow you to apply your design skills to a specific area of practice.


  • Projects and coursework supports student passions

  • Integrative design as the primary instructional approach

  • Career preparation beyond traditional engineering

  • Program flexibility allows students to chart their own paths


  • Technical engineering
  • Creative design problem solving
  • Social contexts and sustainability
  • Systems scale innovation
  • Professional skills: leadership, entrepreneurship, concept visualization and interdisciplinary collaboration


BS in DE graduates can chart their own futures. They will be technically skilled, experienced with innovating problem solving in real-world contexts, able to collaborate across diverse disciplines and ready to lead and innovate in any organizational setting.

In addition to traditional engineering or design careers in technology and product-based industries, BS in DE graduates are ideal candidates for STEM Teaching positions and they are uniquely suited to contribute technical design expertise to the classrooms of America.