Mines Technology Fee

The purpose of the Technology Fee is to provide state-of-the-art technology and technological enhancements, to provide equitable access to that technology, to adequately develop and maintain the infrastructure required to support that technology, and maximize the impact of student- and institution-owned technology.

Mines Technology Fee

The purpose of the Technology Fee is to provide state-of-the-art technology and technological enhancements, to provide equitable access to that technology, to adequately develop and maintain the infrastructure required to support that technology, and maximize the impact of student- and institution-owned technology.

The Mines Technology Fee
A fee is added to student tuition and matched by the Mines administration to improve campus computing and technology.  A Technology Fee Committee, comprised of students and faculty, meets twice a year to review proposals and award funds.

The Proposal Process
Proposals are collected twice a year, typically in March (for fall funding) and October (for spring funding). Proposals are submitted through an online form. The ‘Request for Proposals’ is communicated primarily through Daily Blast announcements.  Proposals are reviewed by the committee and proposal authors are notified if their request was approved by the end of the semester.

Tech Fee Committee

Andrew Moore, Information Technology, Co-Chair

Amanda Mojica, Information Technology, Co-Chair

Paula Farca – Term Ends May 2025

Amanda Jameer – Term Ends May 2025

Alina Handorean – Term Ends May 2025

Geoff Brennecka – Term Ends May 2026

Jennifer Miskimins – Term Ends May 2025

Elizabeth Prescott USG Student – Term Ends May 2025

Kenny Hora USG Student – Term Ends May 2025

Tom Powell USG Student – Term Ends May 2025

Zachary Katz GSG Student – Term Ends May 2025

Bradley Lloyd GSG Student – Term Ends May 2025