Segmented Ultralight Morphing Rotor Wind Turbine Analysis

2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium

2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Segmented Ultralight Morphing Rotor Wind Turbine Analysis

Segmented Ultralight Morphing Rotor Wind Turbine Analysis

PROJECT NUMBER: 42 | AUTHOR: Jess Graham​, Electrical Engineering

MENTOR: Kathryn Johnson, Electrical Engineering


This project is a multi-institutional project consisting of 4 universities, NREL, and GE under guidance from ARPA-E. One portion of this project is to validate field results by performing data analysis. This poster compares blade root bending moments between field and simulation data. The discrepancies observed are largely due to different input conditions and wind speed differences.


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Jess Graham is in her junior year at Mines and is working on double majoring in Applied Mathematics and Electrical Engineering. She has been working with Dr. Johnson in the Electrical Engineering Department on the SUMR project since March 2020. After graduation, Jess will move to New Mexico where she will be working with the Air Force Research Lab. In the future, she would like to continue on to graduate school to do research with robotics and hopefully make a career doing robotics research and development.


  1. The comparison between simulation and experimental data was in terms of the magnitude of the loads, is that correct? Would it have been possible to compare the load time sequences as well, or perhaps compare them in the frequency domain?

    • Hi Dr. Vincent,

      Yes, the comparison is based on the magnitude of the loads. What do you mean by load time sequences? I do think it would be plausible to compare the loads in the frequency domain, though I am not sure what benefit that would afford over the time domain comparison.

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