Project Info

Wireless Moisture Monitoring on Mass Timber Construction

Shiling Pei | and Paulo Tabares-Velasco |

The goal is to use wireless sensors on real mass timber building construction projects to collect data to better understand the moisture content of wood building components during construction and operation of a building.

Elucidate the interdisciplinary nature of the project

Mass timber building is a new way to build in the field of structural engineering. Unlike steel or concrete, this material can be affected by moisture in their durability and structural properties. Once the building is completed, the mechanical ventilation and AC system also will affect the moisture contents of the building and its components. It is a topic that is a mix of structural engineering, construction engineering, and building energy/HVAC control.

More Information

A thesis work on similar topic just got released at Mines library
Kordziel, Steven. Study of Moisture Conditions in a Multi-Story Mass Timber Building through the Use of Sensors and WUFI Hygrothermal Modeling. Colorado School of Mines, 2018.
A journal paper is currently in press by the PIs on the monitoring of a 8-story mass timber building in Portland.
THis project will look at monitoring the following two buildings:

Grand Engineering Challenge: Restore and improve urban infrastructure

Student Preparation


Familarity with wood construction and onsite installation
Familarity with data aquisition through wireless sensors (upon reading the users manual of the sensors we will use)
Good inter personal skill (will work on construction site and interact with people)

Time Commitment

24 hours/month

Skills/Techniques Gained

Knowledge on mass timber construction and the impact of water on this new construction type
Data processing and collection, report writting.
Onsite construction and communication experiences

Mentoring Plan

We will have regular meetings with students to plan for installation of monitoring devices. During construction, the PIs will travel with students to the site to conduct installation. Then students will monitor and collect data and meet with PIs for guidance and results discussion