IMURF – Understanding the sources of Carbon Monoxide

Project InfoUnderstanding the sources of Carbon MonoxideDorit Hammerling | Carbon Monoxide is a major air pollutant. It comes from different sources and can partially be explained through natural variabilities in climate modes, but human factors...

IMURF – Lossy compression for climate model data

Project InfoLossy compression for climate model dataDorit Hammerling | Climate models are becoming ever more powerful due to increases in computational speed and scientific discoveries. The output from these models is huge and data storage...

Quantifying beta cell function in adolescent girls with PCOS

Project InfoQuantifying beta cell function in adolescent girls with PCOSCecilia Diniz Behn | cdinizbe@mines.eduPolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting women of reproductive age. In addition to affecting fertility,...

Exploring Discrete Fractional Calculus

Project InfoExploring Discrete Fractional CalculusAreeba Ikram | aikram@mines.eduStudents are familiar with the concept of a derivative from calculus, but what does it mean to take a half or pi-th order derivative? Discrete fractional calculus addresses this idea in...

Modeling in Discrete Fractional Calculus

Project InfoModeling in Discrete Fractional CalculusKevin Ahrendt | kahrendt@mines.eduDiscrete fractional calculus has only recently been studied in detail and has many open questions to research. It has been shown that differential equation models involving...