Project InfoAutomated Lithology Prediction from Digital Outcrop Models Using Machine LearningZane Jobe | and Wendy Fisher | wfisher@mines.eduDrone-derived photogrammetry has become a ubiquitous data-collection technique for field geologists (in...
Project InfoMachine Learning and AI for resources engineeringSebnem Duzgun | and Tulay Flamand | tflamand@mines.eduThe major goal of this research is to develop machine learning and artificial intelligence models for multimodel data in resources...
Project InfoIMURF – Mine Dust Measurement with Location TrackingJürgen Brune | jbrune@mines.eduCoal miners have a high prevalence of lung diseases, and it is rising. We are combining a personal dust monitor (PDM) with a location tracking system to identify...
Project Info IMURF – 1:40 Scaled Model of a Longwall Coal Mine for Explosion Testing Jürgen Brune | jbrune@mines.eduGreg Bogin, Jr. | This project investigates mine ventilation and explosion prevention in underground coal mines. Such explosions...
Project InfoInnovative Methods for Characterization of Rock JointsReza Hedayat | hedayat@mines.eduGabe Walton | gwalton@mines.eduThe project aims at characterizing rock surfaces for prediction of strength and roughness that can help with stability evaluation of rock...