Project InfoSustainable Use of Earth Resource Materials – Glass from Tailings (IMURF)Katharina Pfaff | kpfaff@mines.eduPriscilla Nelson | pnelson@mines.eduThe Earth’s natural resources are finite. At the current rate of growth, we will need eight (8) earths worth of...
Project InfoChanges in Groundwater and Surface-Water Exchange within Mountain Streams Due to LogjamsKamini Singha | ksingha@mines.eduThe primary goal of this research is to determine the changes in groundwater-surface water exchange flows (sometime called...
Project InfoEffects of Non-Linear Failure Envelope on Different Geotechnical AnalysesAlexandra Wayllace | awayllac@mines.eduThe project investigates the effect of a large assumption that most geotechnical analyses make. The results are very applicable to practice. The...
Project InfoGeological Context of Small-Scale Mining in Latin AmericaElizabeth Holley | eholley@mines.eduArtisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) takes place primarily in the developing world in both the formal and informal sectors. This style of mining has become...
Project InfoOptimizing Campus Food Waste Management for Energy and Nutrient RecoveryAmy Landis | amylandis@mines.eduThe student will be working to conduct a food waste audit and match/optimize food waste to the most ideal and sustainable management strategies. Student...