2025 Spring UR Symposium lunch Keynote RSVP
This is the RSVP for the 2025 Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium Lunch Keynote Address. The keynote address, “Realizing the Transformative Power of Undergraduate Research as Preparation for Academia and Industry,” by Dr. Jeanne Mekolichick will take place on Wednesday, April 16, 12pm-1pm in the Student Center, Ballrooms D&E. All are encouraged to attend this event! A catered lunch will be provided. Please contact our office at ugresearch@mines.edu if you have questions or need accommodations to attend this event. You can learn more about the 2025 Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium at the following website: https://www.mines.edu/undergraduate-research/ugresearchsymposium/
Realizing the Transformative Power of Undergraduate Research as Preparation for Academia and Industry
Undergraduate research (UR) has the power to impact the lives of students, faculty, and communities when programs are intentionally built in supportive environments. The Council on Undergraduate Research recently updated their Characteristics of Excellence in Undergraduate Research, summarizing best practices to support and sustain a vibrant UR ecosystem ensuring effective programs leading to impactful experiences for students. Using this best-practice approach, we will explore the transformative power of UR as a distinctive opportunity that adds value to the undergraduate experience for those who are continuing in the academy as well as those who are advancing directly into the world of work. This keynote will be of interest to faculty, administrators and students. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of best practices to support an effective UR environment, the benefits of UR experiences for various stakeholders, and how students, in particular, are positively impacted by their participation in UR experiences for their next steps in academia and industry.