The objective of this program is to enhance the education of undergraduate students with an opportunity to participate in faculty-led research projects under the mentorship of Mines faculty. This will broaden and deepen the educational experience of students by exposing them to the research enterprise. Engaging in research could turn into a journey of self-discovery for students as it may help them identify their own career or research aspirations.

However, it should be noted that research can only be funded by this program if it is not taken for research credit or for senior design credit. Participating faculty members are encouraged to increase the research participation of qualified female students and students from under-represented ethnic backgrounds.

The program is competitive and open to all full-time undergraduate students at Mines.

Student Applications for MURF 2024-2025 are now closed

Faculty Project Proposal Application Priority Deadline: April 12th, 2024

**Rolling Faculty Project Proposal Application: April 12th – Ongoing**

View 2024-2025 Available Projects Here

 Student Applications for MURF 2024-2025 OPENS: April 15, 2024

Student Applications for MURF 2024-2025 CLOSES: June 7th, 2024 (Extended!)

Student awards announced: August 2024

Awarded students begin MURF 2024-2025: August 2024

Student MURF Applications open in the beginning of April and continue through May. Awards are announced in August. Students start MURF in the Fall semester. Generally, if a student is selected to work on a project, they are expected to have their first official mentor/mentee meeting within the first two weeks of classes. At this meeting, you will be required to complete an “Undergraduate Research Compact and Agreement” with their mentor. This document, and any additional deadlines, will be communicated at the beginning of the Fall semester. Please wait for further guidance.

Eligibility and program details


  • Full-time undergraduate students currently enrolled at Mines.
  • Fellowship stipend for MURF is a total of $1500.*
  • Renewals for a second period are allowable upon demonstration of adequate progress and have to be applied for through the next solicitation.
  • Students who are available to conduct research during both Fall and Spring semesters will be given preference.
  • First-year students, sophomores, and juniors are encouraged to apply.

* Our office is required to pay students in a manner that aligns with the requirements of MAPS, Mines Administrative Processing Services. The payment process has every student fill out a stipend form twice, once in Fall and once in Spring. Students will be paid once ($750) in Fall and once ($750) in Spring for a total award of $1,500. Students are expected to spend 4-5 hours per week on research; students do not need to log their hours unless departments and faculty mentors make other, independent arrangements with a student. If a mentor would like their student to spend more than 4-5 hours per week on research, we ask mentors to please consider hiring a student for their additional work. If a mentor would like more information on this process, please let us know. The stipend should not interfere with a student’s work-study allotment and very rarely interferes with financial aid. If you have concerns about this form or how this method of payment might change in the future, please let us know at ugresearch@mines.edu.

Please note that you CANNOT use MURF to conduct concurrent research for senior design, an honorary requirement, or another curricular requirement. If you receive MURF, the research you complete for MURF must be separate and logged independently of the time you spend for any other curricular requirement.


Please note that you CANNOT use MURF to conduct concurrent research for senior design, an honorary requirement, or another curricular requirement. If you receive MURF, the research you complete for MURF must be separate and logged independently of the time you spend for any other curricular requirement.

Students who receive the fellowship must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Complete a “Student Participant Agreement and Payment Request Form” in the Fall and Spring semester. Please wait for guidance.
  • Complete an “Undergraduate Research Contract and Agreement in the Fall semester. Please wait for guidance.
  • Provide a  one to two page research project summary at the end of Fall semester. Please wait for guidance.
  • Complete the “Responsible Conduct in Research” CITI training in the Spring Semester. Please wait for guidance.
  • Attend one Emerging Scholar Seminar Series event per semester. Please wait for guidance. 
  • Present a poster or give an oral presentation at the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium held in spring semester (April). Further guidance is disseminated on the MURF Canvas page and will be disseminated on the Symposium landing page closer to the date.
How to Apply


  1. Select the button at the top of this page to see the active list of projects. Look through the list of projects and select the ones that pique your interest. Only the projects listed under active 2024-2025 MURF & IMURF projects are eligible for MURF funding for 2024-2025.
  2. Schedule an appointment to meet with the faculty mentor that is listed on the MURF project to discuss the project and identify if you are a good fit. It is required that you consult (email, in-person meeting, or phone meeting) with the faculty mentor before you submit a MURF proposal.
  3. Fill out the application form for MURF project only after you meet with the faculty mentor. A copy of your application will be sent to the faculty mentor.
  4. If you are already funded by the program and the project continues, ask your advisor if he/she is still willing to sponsor you (project renewal).
  5. This is a competitive award, please make an effort while filling out the application to ensure that your application has a good chance of being funded.
  6. If you have any question, please email ugresearch@mines.edu
  7. Deadline for electronic submission: June 7, 2024

Check out all active MURF projects before you apply

MURF 2024-2025 Applications are now closed for the 2024-2025 academic year

Past MURF/IMURF Projects