Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Are you a faculty member seeking the help of undergraduate student researchers?
Click here to learn about MURF and IMURF. Submit a project today! >>
Funding Research
Mines Undergraduate Research Fellowship (MURF)
Mines Undergraduate Research Fellowship takes place in the Fall and Spring semester and awards students $1,500 for work completed over the academic year. MURF helps enhance the education of undergraduate students by providing them an opportunity to work as research assistants on faculty-led research projects and encouraging them to showcase their work.
First-Year Innovation & Research Scholar Training (FIRST)
FIRST fellowship offers select, highly motivated first-year students the opportunity to participate in original research with a focus on innovation and scholarship. FIRST fellowship recipients are awarded a $1000 stipend. Each student must attend a weekly seminar in the Fall and are given one-on-one guided mentor-ship introducing them to research in the Spring.
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF@Mines)
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship at Mines offers current Mines student the chance to engage in unique, hands-on research full-time throughout the summer months. Each student is awarded up to $4000. This experience gives students the chance to engage with research in a capacity they might not be able to do during the Fall and Spring semesters.
Work Study & Independent Study
Work study and independent study are opportunities almost all undergraduate students can utilize to conduct research at Mines. Work study is dependent on a student’s financial aid award. Alternatively, all students can enroll in Independent Research for credit. With these opportunities, every student has the chance to advance their education and catalyze a career in research or industry.
Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
Colorado School of Mines provides a wide array of summer REU programs, Research Experiences for Undergraduates, on a yearly basis. Many of these programs vary in focus and are provided in coordination with other universities and established research organizations. Click on the image above to view a full list of current and past REU opportunities.
Showcasing Research
Undergraduate Research Symposium
The Undergraduate Research Symposium gives undergraduate researchers the chance to create an internet archive of their research, share their hard work with a larger audience, and build their portfolio. All faculty, staff, and graduate students are encouraged to interact with the presenters and explore the breadth of interdisciplinary research conducted by undergraduate students at Mines.
Reuleaux – Mines Undergraduate Research Magazine
Reuleaux is the Mines Undergraduate Research magazine, focused on celebrating the efforts, accomplishments, and creativity of student researchers on campus. Reuleaux gives undergraduate researchers an avenue to publish engaging narrative descriptions of their research — in the physical sciences or otherwise — that are approachable to a large audience.
Travel Grants
All current undergraduate students conducting research at Mines are eligible for a Travel Grant through the Office of Undergraduate Research, UHSP. Travel Grants award up to $400 per student, per year. These grants encourage undergraduate researchers to present their scholarly work at a regional and national conferences.
Three Minute Research Slam (3MRS)
The Three Minute Research Slam (3MRS) competition challenges undergraduate student researchers to make a compelling video presentation of their research in three minutes. Students are encouraged to use language accessible to an educated but nontechnical audience. Students who participate could potentially receive awards.
Professional Development
Undergraduate Research Scholar Distinction
Undergraduate Research Scholar Distinction is a notable honor for dedicated undergraduate student researchers. To be distinguished as an Undergraduate Research Scholar at graduation, students must complete, at minimum, two semesters of mentored undergraduate research, present their research, and obtain a recommendation from a Mines faculty mentor.
Undergraduate Research Ambassadors (URA)
Undergraduate Research Ambassadors (URAs) are peer ambassadors with experience navigating research at Mines. In addition to hosting and attending events pertaining to undergraduate research through URSSO (Undergraduate Research Scholars Student Organization), they serve as in invaluable resource to current and prospective students interested in conducting undergraduate research at Mines.
Emerging Scholar Seminar Series (ESSS)
The Emerging Scholar Seminar Series offers weekly seminars on various topics of interest to undergraduate student researchers at Mines. Any interested students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to attend these free, insightful seminars. There are no limitations on attendance – simply find the seminars that are of interest to you and RSVP.
Undergraduate Research Student Organization (URSSO)
Mines Undergraduate Research Scholars Student Organization (URSSO) seeks to ignite undergraduate students’ curiosity through unique undergraduate research experiences, campus-wide research opportunities, and a committed social network of peers. All current students interested in research are encouraged to become members.
Undergraduate Research Monthly Newsletter
This monthly email newsletter is intended to keep you up-to-date on all things undergraduate research at Mines. Read on to learn about upcoming events, announcements, opportunities, and other news. To receive the Monthly Research Blast to your email, subscribe below.