Available Projects 2021-2022
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* Indicates projects that may be at or close to capacity.
- All Projects
- Aerospace Studies
- Applied Mathematics and Statistics
- Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Colorado Geological Survey
- Computer Science
- Economics & Business
- Electrical Engineering
- Engineering Design & Society
- Geology & Geological Engineering
- Geophysics
- Humanities Arts & Social Sciences
- Interdisciplinary MURF
- Library and Museum
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
- Military Science
- Mining Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Physics
- Preferred - Freshmen
- Preferred - Juniors
- Preferred - Seniors
- Preferred - Sophomores
- Quantitative Bioscience & Engineering
Zwitterionic Gels for Wound Healing
Primary Mentor: Professor Melissa Krebs and PhD student Michael Stager
read moreWind Turbine Control: Field Data and Simulation Modeling
Primary Mentor: Myself and one PhD student. Other graduate students in my lab may occasionally be available as well.
read moreUnderstanding the roles of polymer molecular weight and composition on the thermal stability of genome editing payloads
Primary Mentor:
Underground Assessment of Augmented Reality
Primary Mentor: Prof. Andrew Petruska, Prof. Hao Zhang, and the postdoctoral researcher
read moreTuning Anion Exchange Membranes for Applications in Water or Energy
Primary Mentor: Prof. Andrew M. Herring Ivy Wu - Graduate student
read moreTransforming Geoscience: Grassroots DI&A Activism for Disciplinary Change
Primary Mentor: Elizabeth Reddy, reddy@mines.edu
read moreTechno-economic analysis of green hydrogen and ammonia
Primary Mentor: Myself, Rok Sitar (graduate student), Professor Colin Wolden
read moreSustainable Development in the Extractive Industries
Primary Mentor: Nicole Smith, nmsmith@mines.edu Sebnem Duzgun, duzgun@mines.edu
read moreSustainable CCUS Initiatives
Primary Mentor: Dr. Linda Battalora and select academic and industry professionals in the fields of sustainability, health, safety, environment and social responsibility
read moreStudying rivers through fluvial seismology
Primary Mentor: Danica Roth, droth@mines.edu (fluvial geomorphology and fluvial seismology expertise) and Jin Ge, gjin@mines.edu (seismology and ambient noise expertise).
read moreStudying rivers through fluvial seismology
Primary Mentor: Danica Roth, droth@mines.edu Ge Jin, gjin@mines.edu
read moreSilicon Clathrates for Photovoltaic Applications
Primary Mentor: Carolyn Koh, ckoh@mines.edu | Reuben Collins, rtcollin@mines.edu
read moreScalable Manufacturing of Metal Sulfide Nanomaterials
Primary Mentor: Myself and my graduate students Will Smith and Saeed Vaselabadi
read moreRobot Teleoperation Interfaces for Autism Therapy
Primary Mentor: Tom Williams. Saad Elbeleidy. Terran Mott.
read moreProperty, People, and Progress along Frontiers: How Land Policy Affects Selection and Outcomes
Primary Mentor: Steven Smith, Colorado School of Mines | Joseph Price, Brigham Young University
read moreMultiphysics Optimization of GaN-Based Power Transistors for 5G mm-Wave Operation
Primary Mentor: Dr. Aaen, paaen@mines.edu
read moreMineral mapping for geothermal exploration using remote sensing
Primary Mentor: sebnem duzgun, duzgun@mines.edu Katharina Pfaff, kpfaff@mines.edu Thomas Monecke, tmonecke@mines.edu
read moreMeasure gas-in-place in nanopores of tight reservoir rocks
Primary Mentor: Xiaolong Yin, Associate Professor, Petroleum Engineering
Primary Mentor: dgomezgualdron@mines.edu
read moreMachine Learning and AI for Mineral Supply Chains
Primary Mentor: sebnem duzgun, duzgun@mines.edu
read moreImpacts of wildfires on solar photovoltaic generation
Primary Mentor: Paulo Tabares: tabares@mines.edu
read moreIdentifying disciplinary silos in the energy-water nexus: Do energy systems researchers and river systems researchers “talk” to each other about hydropower?
Primary Mentor: Adrienne Marshall, adriennemarshall@mines.edu | Adrianne Kroepsch, akroepsch@mines.edu
read moreHydrogen production and energy storage with electroceramics
Primary Mentor: Neal Sullivan, nsulliva@mines.edu
read moreHow does changing hydroclimate affect equity of water allocations? Linking streamflow and water rights
Primary Mentor: Adrienne Marshall, adriennemarshall@mines.edu | Steven Smith, ssmith1@mines.edu
read moreHigh Performance FDTD Computing on Apple M Chips
Primary Mentor: Prof. Mohammed Hadi, Electrical Engineering, mhadi@mines.edu
read moreGraph analytics for resilience of critical infrastucture
Primary Mentor: Sebnem Duzgun, duzgun@mines.edu Dinesh Mehta, dmehta@mines.edu
read moreGlaciers in the South: a study of glacier science outreach throughout the Southern U.S.
Primary Mentor: Hannah Verboncoeur, hverboncoeur@mines.edu| Dr. Matthew Siegfried, siegfried@mines.edu| Dr. Elizabeth Reddy, reddy@mines.edu|
read moreExtending Humanitarian Engineering and Science (HES) graduate student research into undergraduate student learning
Primary Mentor: Juan Lucena, jlucena@mines.edu|Junko Munakata, jmmarr@mines.edu
read moreExpanding Data Storage in DNA Through Unnatural Base Pairs
Primary Mentor: Mike McGuirk Brian Eckstein (post doc)
Primary Mentor: Dr. Qin Zhu https://hass.mines.edu/project/zhu-qin/
read moreESG rankings in the Americas
Primary Mentor: - Dr. Linda Battalora lbattalo@mines.edu - MSc Maria A. Capello, Cav (O.S.I.) mariangelacapello@gmail.com
read moreEnergy Storage via Gas Hydrates
Primary Mentor: Professor Carolyn Koh, ckoh@mines.edu (PI) Research Assistant Professor, Ahmad Majid, aabdulma@mymail.mines.edu
read moreEnergy loss mechanisms in superconducting resonators and Josephson junctions
Primary Mentor: myself graduate student
read moreDevelopment of Virtual Reality Models for Geosciences
Primary Mentor: Sebnem duzgun, duzgun@mines.edu Ebru Bozdag, bozdag@mines.edu Cagdas Demorkan, demirkan@mines.edu
read moreDeveloping computational tools to understand the mechanism of CO2 reduction by bio-inspired catalysts
Primary Mentor: Christine Morrison (PI), morrison@mines.edu. Diego Gomez-Gualdron (PI), dgomezgualdron@mines.edu.
read moreDeveloping computational tools for phase equilibria calculations
Primary Mentor: I will be the primary contact for the student.
read moreData science applications for net zero carbon strategy in extractive industries
Primary Mentor: sebnem duzgun, duzgun@mines.edu nicole smith, nmsmith@mines.edu edyaylaci@mines.edu
read moreData Foundation for research and educational data sets
Primary Mentor: Professor of Practice James Crompton, Petroleum Engineering Department
read moreCharacterizing image diversity in anatomy and physiology textbooks
Primary Mentor: Justin Shaffer
read moreCarbon storage in offshore reservoirs: high-grading opportunities from existing data
Primary Mentor: Zane Jobe zanejobe@mines.edu Brandon Dugan dugan@mines.edu Lesli Wood lwood@mines.edu
read moreAutomated Core Scanning – Geochemical and Mineralogical Characterization and Visualization of the Subsurface
Primary Mentor: Katharina Pfaff, kpfaff@mines.edu Thomas Monecke, tmonecke@mines.edu Sebnem Duzgun, duzgun@mines.edu Luis Tenorio, ltenorio@mines.edu Yaoguo Li, ygli@mines.edu
read moreAssessing CO2 storage capacity for geo-sequestration in Colorado
Primary Mentor: Manika Prasad (Faculty) Jyoti Behura (Faculty) Simi Oduwole (MS student)
read moreAdvanced manufacturing of protonic ceramics
Primary Mentor: Associate Professor Neal Sullivan, PI, nsulliva@mines.edu | Research Professor Carolina Herradon Hernandez, cherradon@mines.edu
read moreAdaptive Learning and Quantification Algorithms For Advances in Geological Exploration
Primary Mentor: Hua Wang, huawang@mines.edu Yaoguo Li, ygli@mines.edu
read moreActivity of SARS-CoV-2 protease 3CLpro on collagen fibrils, fibrin, alpha-synuclein, and amyloid-beta
Primary Mentor: Susanta Sarkar/ssarkar@mines.edu
read moreA Longitudinal Study of Self-Regulated Learning Characteristics in Mines Undergraduate Students
Primary Mentor: Scott Strong
read more3D Printing the Trabecular Meshwork for Glaucoma Drug Screening
Primary Mentor: Professor Melissa Krebs and PhD student Bikram Adhikari
read more*Tracking Extracellular Reactive Oxygen Species with Oxidatively-Activated Hydrogels
Primary Mentor: Dr. Dylan Domaille (ddomaille@mines.edu) Jack Haggett (jackhagget@mymail.mines.edu)
read more*Thermal conductivity at ultralow temperatures
Primary Mentor: Meenakshi Singh Kirsten Blagg (Ph.D. student)
read more*Theory of Mind Driven Robotic Language Production
Primary Mentor: Tom Williams. Zhao Han. Rafael Silva.
read more*Sustainable Development and the Extractives
Primary Mentor: Dr. Nicole Smith Dr. Sebnem Duzgun
read more*Super resolution metrology for Advanced Manufacturing
Primary Mentor: Jeff Squier, Professor Seth Cottrell, PhD Student
read more*Squirrels and fires: how do biotic agents influence post-fire erosion?
Primary Mentor: Danica Roth (droth@mines.edu)
read more*Slipping and sliding: hydrologic impacts of the Slumgullion Slide on lake delta formation
Primary Mentor: Lesli Wood, Professor, Geology and Geological Engineering (lwood@mines.edu) Paul Santi, Professor, Geology and Geological Engineering (psanti@mines.edu) Jeff Shragge, Associate Professor, Geophysics (jshragge@mines.edu) Brandon Dugan, Associate Professor, Geophysics (dugan@mines.edu)
read more*Simulating radar scatter from asteroid surfaces
Primary Mentor: Principal Investigator and Project Lead: Dylan Hickson, Research Associate, Department of Geophysics, dhickson@mines.edu.
read more*Security and Privacy Analysis of Smartphone Apps
Primary Mentor: Dr. Chuan Yue (chuanyue@mines.edu) and his PhD students (TBD).
read more*Real-space and Real-time Study of Two-dimensional Colloidal Cyrstals and Quasicrystals
Primary Mentor: Xingrui Zhu
read more*Nano-Flare Hydrogels: Urine-Color Changing Diagnostics for Transplant Rejection Detection
Primary Mentor: Mr. Gun Su Han (gunsuhan@mines.edu) Dr. Dylan Domaille (ddomaille@mines.edu)
read more*Multiscale modeling and simulation of the in-host dynamics of HIV infection
Primary Mentor: I am the primary contact.
read more*Multiphase Flow Characterization Using a Benchtop Setup
Primary Mentor: I will be the primary contact for the student. some work will also be done with postdocs and other graduate students.
read more*Metal organic frameworks for the removal of contaminants from water
Primary Mentor: Myself, and graduate students
read more*Mathematical modeling to investigate dual-pathway inhibition by anticoagulant drugs
Primary Mentor: Karin Leiderman
read more*IoT Security and Privacy Protection
Primary Mentor: Dr. Chuan Yue (chuanyue@mines.edu) and his PhD students (TBD).
read more*Humanitarian Geosciences: trends, movements, and transformations
Primary Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Reddy; reddy@mines.edu
read more*How does global warming affect rivers?
Primary Mentor: Piret Plink-Bjorklund pplink@mines.edu
read more*Extraterrestrial fluvial fans and deltas
Primary Mentor: Piret Plink-Bjorklund pplink@mines.edu
read more*Exploring how groundwater and soil chemistry on a landscape affect streams
Primary Mentor: Dr. Kamini Singha, Dr. Alexis Sitchler, and PhD student Sara Warix
read more*Exploring Gas Adsorption in Flexible Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks
Primary Mentor: Prof. Mike McGuirk
Primary Mentor: For now: kcash@mines.edu; after joining group PhD student TBD.
read more*Environmental Media in Congressional Testimony
Primary Mentor: Myself - Shannon Mancus (shannonmancus@mines.edu)
read more*Educational research on global sociotechnical competency (to complement PIRE Responsible Mining, Resilient Communities grant)
Primary Mentor: Juan Lucena, Director of Humanitarian Engineering Undergraduate Programs. jlucena@mines.edu Jessica Smith, Director of Humanitarian Engineering Graduate Programs. jmsmith@mines.edu
read more*Direct Air Capture of Methane by Engineered Microbial Consortia
Primary Mentor: Nanette Boyle nboyle@mines.edu
Primary Mentor: Dr. Hua Wang, CS Department, huawang@mines.edu
read more*Developing novel organic super-reductant catalyst systems
Primary Mentor: Prof. Shubham Vyas (svyas@mines.edu)
read more*Developing computational tools to understand the mechanism of CO2 reduction by bio-inspired catalysts
Primary Mentor: Christine Morrison (PI), morrison@mines.edu Diego Gomez-Gualdron (PI), dgomezgualdron@mines.edu
read more*Developing a piezoelectric stage for measuring spin qubit dynamics
Primary Mentor: Meenakshi Singh Anna Osella (graduate student)
read more*Design and Optimization of Sparse Antenna Arrays
Primary Mentor: Payam Nayeri – pnayeri@mines.edu
read more*Data Science for Resources Engineering
Primary Mentor: faculty, postdocs and phd students
read more*Computational Protocol to Predict NMR Parameters of Perfluoroalkyl Substances
Primary Mentor: Prof. Shubham Vyas (svyas@mines.edu)
read more*Computational modeling of mobile cells with biochemically-active surfaces
Primary Mentor: Karin Leiderman
read more*Computational Engineering of Metabolite Flux Across Bacterial Protein Shells
Primary Mentor: Prof. Alex Pak (apak@mines.edu)
read more*Catalytic membrane reactors for green hydrogen production by decomposition of ammonia
Primary Mentor: Prof. Doug Way, Email: dway@mines.edu Rok Sitar, graduate student, Email: @mymail.mines.edu
read more*Biomechanical Assessment of Gesture-Controlled Robotic Balance Training
Primary Mentor: Dr. Anne Silverman
read more*Assessment of social vulnerabilities against natural disasters
Primary Mentor: Me and my PhD students
read more*Assessment of IoT Processor Security by Measuring Radiated Side-Channels
Primary Mentor: Dr. Aaen, paaen@mines.edu
read more*Applying Biological Nutrient Removal for Low-energy Wastewater Treatment
Primary Mentor: Junko Munakata Marr (faculty mentor) junko@mines.edu Carolyn Coffey (graduate mentor) ccoffey@mines.edu
read more*Applications of Engineered Wetlands for Water Treatment
Primary Mentor: Senior graduate student or postdoc (TBD).
read more*Antarctic glacier-ocean interactions using satellite imagery and machine learning
Primary Mentor: Matt Siegfried, Tasha Snow
read more*Addressing hydrological impacts, debris flows, and landslides due to wildfires
Primary Mentor: Danica Roth, Assistant Professor, Geology and Geological Engineering (droth@mines.edu) Matt Siegfried, Assistant Professor, Geophysics (siegfried@mines.edu) Brandon Dugan, Associate Professor, Geophysics (dugan@mines.edu)
Primary Mentor: Dr Hua Wang: huawang@mines.edu
read more