Tracy Camp
When Computer Science Professor and Division Director Tracy Camp isn’t teaching, she’s focused on three areas: technical research, educational research and women in computing. Being one of the fastest degree programs in the U.S., it’s clear computer science is a necessary component to today’s society, and Camp is determined to make sure there is strong representation from Mines.
“Research shows that a diverse team creates a better product, so we need diverse teams. And to accomplish that, we need more women at the table,” she said. Camp works with several women in computing groups on campus and encourages more women to enter the field, with a goal of increasing the percentage of women in computer science to 25 percent, if not higher, by 2020.
Read more:
Tracy Camp: Computer Science Professor (Mines Magazine)
Catching code: Computer Science is on the rise at Mines and across the country (Mines Magazine)
300 K-12 computer science educators come to Mines
Mines promotes women in STEM