Protection of Minors

The Protection of Minors page provides information and resources for entities sponsoring events involving minors.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding activities, programming, or the protection of Minors, please feel free to contact the Office of Compliance and Policy. 

Read the Policy on the Protection of Minors.

Submit a Notification of a Program or Activity involving minors

  • All Mines departments, programs, entities and student organizations sponsoring events, programs or camps involving minors on or off of campus must comply with the Policy on the Protection of Minors by submitting a notification to Office of Compliance and Policy at least three weeks before the scheduled event.
  • All non-Mines Organizations hosting programs, events or camps on our Campus involving minors must submit a notification to the Office of Compliance and Policy at least three weeks before the scheduled event.
  • Please submit your Notification of an Event Involving Minors using our online form linked below:

Use of Campus Space

Are you planning to use space at Mines for your event including conference or meeting rooms, residence halls, outdoor spaces such as Kadafar Commons, laboratories or makerspaces, classrooms or another Mines owned or managed space?  If so, reach out to Campus Events, separately, to obtain space.

Computer Labs

Are you planning to use a Mines computer lab with your group? See below to ensure your lab is reserved appropriately:

  • Contact the Registrar’s office for availability of the computer labs (and/or rooms) you specified for the dates requested as well as any department that requires prior permission for the space.
  • Computer access may be granted to guests and visitors who do/will not have a Mines role that would otherwise allow them access to Mines computing resources. Each guest will be given an individual account that will expire upon departure. No accounts can be shared as this is a violation of the school’s Appropriate Use Policy. Violation of this policy will result in removal of accounts. All users must read and agree to the Technology Resource Access Agreement for Affiliated Programs.
  • If minors will be using the accounts a Mines Minor’s Computer Use Waiver Form must be completed. Additional information for parents/guardians should also be read and understood. The minor and parents must also read and agree to the Technology Resource Access Agreement (above) as this form is required to communicate to parents that our network is not restricted.


Training is required for all Mines employees and students as well as all third party entities sponsoring events involving  Minors.  For an in-person training, contact the Office of Compliance and Policy. The Program Director/Hosting Department is responsible for the training and tracking of compliance.

  • Shine a Light video by United Educators (9 minutes) highlights child safety and the importance of safety awareness in programs involving minors. 
  • Additional training may be assigned by the Office of Compliance and Policy for event and program organizers as needed.


Protecting Minors Online

If you hosting an online event or planning online communications with Minors including email or texting, please visit our Protecting Minors Online Page.

Background Checks

  •  All Mines students, employees and volunteers interacting with minors in a Mines sponsored event, activity, camp or program  must have a cleared criminal background check completed within the last two years.  The Office of Compliance and Policy will work with each event sponsor to coordinate the background checks through the Mines Human Resources Department.
  • Completion of background checks can take up to two (2) weeks, so event planners should submit the Notification of Event with Minors Form a minimum of three (3) weeks before the event.
  •  The Program Director or Hosting Department is responsible for ensuring that all background checks are processed prior to  allowing a student or employee to work in a Mines program or activity with minors.
  • For more information, the Background Investigation Policy is available in the Policy Library.
  • Non-University Organizations:  All non-university organizations hosting events on the  Mines Campus that involve minors must provide a certification to Office of Compliance and Policy that they have determined through background check or otherwise  if any of  their employees and volunteers, have a criminal conviction or other adverse information which could impact the safety and well-being of other individuals on Mines Campus, especially minors.
    • Examples of information that must be reported include:
      • all felony convictions
      • all assault convictions
      • all convictions at any level that involve a minor
      • all convictions of any type that resulted in injury to others
      • and any information of a similar nature.


If you reasonably suspect that a minor/child has been subjected to abuse or neglect in a Mines program or on campus, then:

  • Immediately contact the Office of Public Safety (Mines Police) at 303-273-3333
  • In the event of an emergency, please dial 9-1-1 for assistance
  • SpeakUp@Mines hotline is available 24/7 for your convenience.  For more information, please see the submission form or dial toll-free 1-855-363-0857.

External Resources

  • For non-Mines assistance, contact 1-844-CO-4-Kids to report child abuse and neglect.
  • The Colorado Office of Children Youth and Families has additional information on abuse and neglect.
  • Insurance options for Tenants/Lessees, through URMIA-TULIP at Please select “Get a Quote” – State of Colorado – Colorado School of Mines.


What are the steps I need to take to register a program/activity with minors on campus?

  1. Read the Policy.
  2. Complete the online form for the program at least three (3) weeks in advance of the activity.
  3. Ensure all personnel have appropriate background checks submitted through HR page.
  4. Train all personnel on how to recognize abuse/neglect and how to report at Mines.
  5. Report a reasonable suspicion of abuse or neglect of a child to the Campus Police @ 303-273-3333.
    [Back to FAQ]

Do student organizations on campus need to know the school policies?

Non-university organizations and entities that operate non-university programs on campus (including, but not limited to Recognized Student Organizations, lessees, etc.) are obligated to be familiar with this policy, ensure their staff, volunteers and participants are familiar with this policy, and take appropriate precautions to protect Minors participating in or attending their programs.

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Why did Mines adopt this Policy?

Mines is committed to the safety of all individuals in its community and has a particular concern for those who are potentially vulnerable, including minors who require special attention and protection. The Protection of Minors on Campus Policy was adopted to provide guidance for our community-at-large when children and teens are participating in a Mines’ sponsored program, as well as for our enrolled students who may be under the legal age of 18 years.

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What steps are required?

All programs occurring on campus or sponsored by Mines’ employees as a Mines’ program must be registered with the Compliance & Policy Office.  Background checks will be required for Mines’ faculty and staff as well as student-employees or volunteers participating in the sponsored program.

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What is the definition of a Minor?

A minor is any person under the age of eighteen (18) years in Colorado.  Do not confuse with “miner” as that refers to a person who works in a mine.

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What programs are covered by the policy?

This policy provides broad safeguards intended to better protect minors when they are on the University campus, participating in University programs and activities designed to include minors, or when they are in the care of University personnel, volunteers, or contractors.

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Are there programs or activities that are not covered by the policy regarding minors?

The policy does not apply to programs exclusively offered to regularly admitted and enrolled students at Mines’ even if some of the participants are minors (under 18). Those requirements do not apply to events that are open to the general public (such as theater performances, sporting events, or carnivals) where parents or guardians are expected to provide supervision of minors in their care.

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Are student organizations required to comply with the policy?

Yes.  The policy establishes requirements for non-university organizations and entities, including but not limited to Recognized Student Organizations, that operate non-university programs or activities designed to include minors. Recognized Student Organizations include a student organization or club (club activity, club sport) registered with the Board of Student Organizations.  Since Student Organizations are considered external for purposes of the policy they must determine how they will comply with the policy.

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What is abuse or neglect of minors?

In summary, child abuse and neglect means an act or omission that threatens the health or welfare of a person under 18 years of age. As defined in Colorado state statute (C.R.S. § 19- 1-103). Please consult the statute for a full definition.

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How do I report my suspicion of abuse/neglect under the policy?

If you reasonably suspect that a minor/child has been subjected to abuse or neglect, please do not delay and report that immediately to the Public Safety Office (campus police) at 273-3333 or dial 9-1-1 in case of emergency.  If you are hosting a program or activity on campus, also contact either the Office of the Provost or the Office of the Vice President of Student Life immediately after reporting to Public Safety.

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Can someone come in and train me or my group on the information?

Yes.  Please contact the Compliance & Policy Office and arrange for training at your location.  Also, there are materials posted above that you can utilize to review with your group. Training is a required portion of the activity prior to contact with Minors.

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Are there other resources for training or information available?

Yes.  The State of Colorado has excellent resources on abuse and neglect.  There is a training module available for teachers and other mandatory reporters if you want more information.  See  Also, the Colorado Child Abuse Prevention line may be called 1-844-CO-4-KIDS (264-5437) to report child abuse and neglect anywhere in Colorado.

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Do I need to complete the notification form when I have a high school student shadowing or working in my lab?

Yes, the policy for protection of minors applies to most situations in which Mines employees or students are interacting with minors.  If you have not had a cleared criminal background check completed within the last two  years you may need to complete one as well.

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Who do I contact with questions or for Notification issues?

Any questions or notification inquiries should be emailed to

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Contact us

Compliance and Policy Office

1600 Jackson Street, Suite 240
Golden, CO 80401